Saturday, February 28, 2015

Paul: 2/28 - 2nd Afternoon Report - He's Awake!

I couldn't wait until evening. Paul is back!  I mean really back!  He is still letting the meds wear off, but he is with us!

I can send reports on numbers tomorrow. For tonight, we are Praising God!  

As you can imagine, today was a big day for Paul. He woke up and had lots of people with him.  He also knows he has been under for 10 days. That has rocked him quite a bit - as you could only imagine. 

He did quickly talk to the kids. He was sad, but said hi and he loves them!  Hallelujah!!  God is Amazing!!! 

He also has his sense of humor on full charge 😜. He is cracking jokes (which also helps him not break down). 

I will post more when I know. Until then - Thank You!  You have all helped us through this journey. Whether near or far, your prayers, posts, messages, support means more than we can ever describe. We love you all!

To God goes the Glory!  Amen! 🙏

Paul: 2/28 - Afternoon Report

VENT IS COMING OUT!!!!  PRAISE GOD!!!  ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏

Paul: 2/28 - Morning Report

Praising our Glorious God for such a great night / morning!

Lungs: they had Paul try a breathing challenge - turned vent off - and he passed with flying colors!!!  They are rounding soon and we will see when we can get that out - maybe today, maybe tomorrow. Keep praying!  It's working!  

Kidneys: he peed!!  Just a little bit. 50mL, but he peed!!  His Creatnine is down to 4. Keep praying for pee!

Paul: he is more awake. Still not fully aware. He does remember some things between naps. He gave me the "i love you" sign with his hands. We are trying to help him talk / write. He's still on too many meds to allow that to work. 

Platelets: are up to 140!!!  150 is lower limit of normal so we are almost there!!!  

Will post more later.  Please keep praying!!  We have a Magnificent God who is working miracles!!  Amen!🙏

Friday, February 27, 2015

Paul: 2/27-Evening Report

Paul had a pretty good day overall. 

Meds - they were able to get a good mix of meds today. He stirs some, but when we are in there, we can tell him "that tube is a vent. It's helping you breathe. Just a little longer. It will be out soon."  And, since he is on versed, he does not remember it when he stirs again a few minutes later. Which, I am fine with because he opens those amazing eyes!  I get to see my Paul in there and he is coming back to us!!  Praising God for His amazing miracles!  

Lungs - he is on the lowest support - 30 Oxygen / 5 PEEP!!  We will see what they think over the weekend. Not putting any dates anymore. Just praying for God's Perfect Timing on this. 

Kidneys-he made a little pee. We are thankful for that. Please keep praying for those kidneys. 

Thank you to everyone near & far. Please know we feel your love, support & prayers. Many blessings to you all! 😘❤️🙏

Paul: 2/27- Afternoon Report

I thought I would send a mid-day note today. Paul is resting comfortably-Hallelujah!! 

Meds - some might be wondering why they keep changing his meds. This is important because they want him to be able to help when they want to take him off of the vent. Some meds are able to be onboard during those tests and some really should be off. So, they are trying to find the right mix to keep him just right. I think they have found it...for now. 

Lungs - down to the lowest help - 30 oxygen / 5 PEEP. His oxygen level is still at 99-100 and has been all day - Praise God!!!

Kidneys - the doctor came in so I asked him about the Creatnine. He said that the machine is what has dropped Paul's Creatnine. So, while I was hoping that drop meant the kidneys were waking up, it does just mean the dialysis is doing its job. When Paul starts peeing more, that means they are starting to work again. And, he has had some output today. Not much, but some is better than none!

Me - so many of you have asked how I am doing. I haven't posted about it because I'm not really sure how to answer. I am trying to eat 3 meals a day and get 4-6 hours of sleep. Some days, I can be strong and deal with it all and others I feel broken and alone. While there are people here with me, my person is Paul. He is my rock, he is my love, he is my life. 

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13 NLT). And it is by God's strength and the strength everyone else is providing that is keeping me & the rest of the family going. Thank you so very much! 😘❤️🙏

Paul: 2/27 - Morning Report

Paul is a feisty man!  He decided he no longer needed his OG tube (the tube pulling the acid out of his stomach). Thank God it wasn't the vent!

Kidneys-his Creatnine is down to 4.16!  They were able to pull 100mL/hr all night!  Keep praying for those kidneys!

Lungs - he is still on 40 oxygen / 8 PEEP. They didn't try to move it last night. The good news is he has a 100% saturation rate!  

Meds - we are praying they can find the right balance of meds to keep him calm and awake (semi-awake). This will help them to ensure he is ready to get that vent out. Please pray for that!

My additional prayer is for his spirit. While we have been seeing his improvement and Praising God for the miracles He is providing, Paul doesn't see that. When he wakes up, we cannot know what he will think about all of this - how he will feel. Please pray that he will see all of God's miracles through this journey. While it will not be easy or fast, God is moving the mountain one stone at a time. Praying for peace & patience for Paul. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Paul: 2/26 - Evening Report

Paul's afternoon carried into the evening. After shift change, he was thrashing again. He needed multiple people to hold him down. When that happens, it's starts a cycle:
- bolus of pain / sleep meds
- those meds drop BP
- lower BP makes it hard to pull more fluid through dialysis
- fluid on lungs makes it difficult to remove vent
- vent is main reason for his agitation. 

I cannot imagine what he is going through. I have seen his eyes open. While they are still his amazing eyes, they are glassy and he looks very far away. They tell us he is in a sort of "groundhog's day". Due to all the sedation, he does not remember anything. Each time he wakes up, it's like it's the first time. 

Tonight's prayer requests:
- pray for a good night sleep for everyone. 
- pray for the right mix of medicines to keep him calm, help him heal, and help him get off of the vent
- pray for his kidneys. 

I will get the labs and send in morning report. 

Thank you for your prayers!  God is performing miracles each day in Paul!  And, we just know He will bring Paul fully back to us - in His time.

Paul: 2/26 - Afternoon Report

Well, today was an interesting day. They are trying to reduce Paul's sedation to determine when they can try to get him off the vent. The challenge is, when he wakes up - he thrashes. He is a very strong man and he uses all of his might. It is scary to watch!

Kidneys - he did make a little pee - Praise God!  They are starting to pull 100 mL/hr.
Please keep praying for healing his kidneys!

Lungs - because of the mix of meds, he has gone up and down on the vent all day.  They tell me this is common - just hard to see. Based on this, it doesn't look like he will get the vent out tomorrow. Just praying for someday soon. And, when they do it, that his lungs will handle it on their own

Thank you all for your prayers!  They really are working. And, thank you for the fun pictures today!  They really did make me smile 😘❤️🙏.

Paul: 2/26 - Morning Report

Paul had a fairly restful night. He awoke on his own about an hour ago without stimulation and needed more meds. 

Kidneys: Creatnine went up a little 4.3 from 4.22. That is the wrong direction. Please pray for his kidneys!

Lungs:  he has been stable on 40 oxygen / 5 PEEP.  Hoping to drop that down today to possibly think about removing vent on Friday. 

Platelets - 91 - Praise God!!!!  Still a little low, but nearly triple where they were when they bottomed out. 

White Count - still elevated, but lower than yesterday - Hallelujah!

I will sit with him until 7 to see if any of the attending a come through and determine goals for today. 

If there is one specific prayer for today - it's for his kidneys. Please pray they kick back in and start working. They are very resilient organs, so this is possible. Just praying God makes it happen.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Paul: 2/25 - Afternoon Report

Paul is back resting comfortably.  They were able to come up with a good mix of medicines that have seemed to help him rest and not get so agitated - Praise God!

Kidneys: Dialysis is working and pulling an extra 50mL/hr.  Still hoping to pull more tomorrow to get some of this extra fluid off.  Decided not to give the diuretic as he hasn't peed much more since yesterday.

Lungs:  His breathing has improved.  He is down to 40 Oxygen / 5 PEEP with saturations around 97-98.  Once they get him down to 30 Oxygen / 5 PEEP, they can start to consider pulling the vent.  That will likely not be tomorrow, but maybe on Friday.  Praying for that.

Paul:  We are still needing to keep low stimulation in the room.  I was in there much of the day just staring at him.  Praising God for the miracle to still have Paul here with us!  I know we will have a long road to recovery, but at least we are talking about recovery - AMEN!!

I am not sure we will learn much more, so there may not be an evening report tonight.  Here are my prayers for tonight:
- I pray Paul rests comfortably and continues to heal
- I pray we are able to turn the vent down and set a timeline for removal
- I pray we are able to up the dialysis pull to 100mL/hr and are able to get more of this fluid off

Thank you so very much for your prayer support!  More to come tomorrow. 

Paul: 2/25 Morning Report

I guess I didn't prepare myself for what Paul waking up meant. Paul wakes up like an angry fighter. 

Please pray for they are able to find the right medicine mix to help him rest and heal. He can't get better when he keeps fighting 

Kidneys - Creatnine down to 4.22 (from 4.33). No pee last night. Praying for pee today and the ability to up the dialysis to pull 100. 

Lungs - he is fighting the vent. They needed to move him up to 50 oxygen / 8 PEEP.  He bites down on the vent which is also concerning because we don't want him to break the tube. And, he is grinding on it. Praying the meds will help him relax and allow him to heal. 

Platelets doubled!!  From 33 to 66 - HALLELUJAH!!!

New challenge:
White count is elevated. They will do a culture to see if something else is growing. With all of the antibiotics, that doesn't seem possible, but I am glad they are checking. 

Prayers for today:
Kidneys - pull more fluid & start peeing

Lungs - stop fighting vent so they can reduce his need of it

Resting medicine - find the right mix to help him stay calm. 

White count - the reason for this elevation will be identified and solved quickly. 

Thank you for praying!  Afternoon update later today.

Paul: 2/24 - Evening Report

Paul had a really great afternoon.  I saw him for a short time after shift change and then came home to sleep.  The reason - I am truly disappointed in myself.

The purpose of this blog and writing about this journey is to lift Paul up in prayer to God, to engage all of you amazing prayer warriors in praying for specific goals, and glorifying God for all of the miracles He is providing.  You have all been AMAZING and God is Moving Mountains!!

That said, I failed.  I failed because in my tired, stressed, overwhelmed state of mind, I used this blog to vent.  To vent about a situation where I only knew my 50%.  And, while I am certain this is not the only time I have failed in this way, I want to apologize to all of you - as that is not the purpose of this blog - AT ALL!

I have updated my previous post to remove any specific comments.  Paul truly has been receiving exceptional care.  Minor setbacks are expected.  However, he has been moving in a positive direction and I know that everyone is on the same team - getting Paul healthy.

One additional request - please know I am not asking for and am not looking for any support for my actions.  I can make every excuse in the world as to why I did it; however, none of those excuses make it right. 

I ask for your forgiveness for my failure.  I promise to use this blog in a positive way, to share Paul's story and to glorify God for His Amazing Miracles. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Paul: 2/24 - Afternoon Report

Paul has had a great afternoon!

Kidneys - They were able to continue to pull an extra 50mL/hr all day - Hallelujah!  We are hoping that, if Paul can handle it, they will be able to up that tomorrow to 100mL/hr.  He still isn't producing much urine - please pray that he starts peeing soon!
This is kind of funny as my sister is working on potty training Sarah this week.  We are praying for pee from both Daddy & Sarah!

Lungs - Paul still fights the vent when he wakes up.  He bites down a bit and coughs a lot.  Today, they changed his meds so he was calmer most of the day - which was a true answer to prayers!  They were able to drop his oxygen needs - his PEEP is up a bit to 8.  Praying for a good night so they may be able to work on that, too.

Rash - his rash is really getting better!  Praise God for answering that specific prayer!

Paul - I remember when Sarah was in the NICU, she was on "low stimulation."  That meant - low lights, low voices, minimal / no touch.  While her lungs were healing, we needed to give her time to heal.  With Paul, he has been so sedated that hasn't been an issue.  Now that he is waking up more, we need to transition to "low stimulation".  I sat in his room most of the day and just watched him.  He is so amazingly handsome!  I just love that man so very much.

They are in the middle of shift change, so I will head back in soon.  I will see if there are any specific prayers for tonight and add them all to the final report.

More to come soon...

Paul: 2/24 - Morning Report

Paul had a really good night!  Praise God for bringing us Keysha (I spelled her name wrong yesterday, but I know God knows who she is - He sent us an angel!)

Kidneys:  Paul has made more urine.  His creatnine is down to 4.33.  They said the decrease will now potentially go slower.  The dialysis is pulling 50mL/hr and we will look to increase that to 100mL/hr today.  That will help pull off the additional fluid.

Lungs:  He is at 55% oxygen / 5 PEEP.  With that, his oxygen saturation is steady around 92-93.  They are pulling a blood gas to ensure his organs are getting the oxygen (which they should be, but I am glad they are checking).  Goal here would be to get down to 30% / 5 - but that might not be today.  He cannot get off of the vent until we get to those numbers.  He will also get a chest x-ray today just to ensure his lungs are still looking good.  Praying for that!

Platelets:  His platelets have gone up to 33.  While they are still low, they have stopped the downward trend!  Praise God for that specific answer to prayers!

White Count:  His white count is a little elevated which can be signs of his body fighting an infection.  The doctor believes it is more likely due to the steroids as he is on three major antibiotics.

Abscess:  They are also not worrying about the abscess yet.  The challenge is that they would like to do a CT with contrast, but his kidneys cannot handle that right now.  Since he is on those antibiotics, they are okay to wait until they can get him down for a CT.

Goals for today:
Kidneys - making urine & they can pull 100mL/hr from dialysis
Lungs - X-ray shows good lungs, Vent can be brought down
Platelets - continue to rise

Thank you all for your prayers!  He is getting better and you are all helping him and us through the process!  Truly, thank you!  And - Praise God for all this progress!!! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Paul: 2/23 - Evening Report

Praising God!!!  Thank you for all of you who lifted up the prayers for a great nurse!  Kesha is truly amazing!  In 90 minutes, here is what she was able to accomplish:
 - Bath him
 - Get him comfortable
 - Get the ventilator back down to 55 Oxygen / 5 PEEP
 - Get the dialysis machine back on - pulling even.  She will work on pulling the 50 throughout the night depending on his pressure (right now looks good)
 - He peed - YEAH!!!  This is great news!
 - He pooped

She was also so very confident!  She saw him the day he arrived and has seen his progress.  I hugged her...twice!  I told her that we were all praying for a great nurse and we got even better! 

Thank you all for praying and Praise God for answering!

Praying all is good, we all get a good night sleep, Paul continues to improve, and I can send update with numbers in the morning.

And, please know how much your comments, notes, texts, e-mails mean to all of us!  While I cannot answer them all, please know I do read them all.  The only way we are staying strong is by the grace of God and the energy from all of you!  Truly - thank you!

Paul: 2/23 - Afternoon Report

I guess this is what they mean when they say we will hit a few "bumps" in the road. 

Kidneys - Dialysis was working and they were pulling 50mL per hour additional fluid off of Paul.  Then, the dialysis machine clotted.

Lungs - Because they were moving Paul and he was agitated, they upped his oxygen to 100% while keeping PEEP at 5. 

So - our two goals today:  lowering the vent and drawing more fluid from dialysis were moving in the right direction until this afternoon. 

I guess tonight's goal will be to get Paul back to where he was before shift change this morning.

Please pray the night will be good.  Please pray we can all get some sleep - we need it!  Please pray we are able to help move Paul back in a positive direction.

Paul: 2/23 Morning Report

Paul had another good night!  

BP: his BP is 112/75 and holding on its own - all pressers are off!!  Praise God!

Kidneys:  Creatnine down to 4.5. Still no urine. They will start pulling 50mL/hr. If he tolerates that, they will go up to 100mL/hr.  Praise God!

Liver:  still elevated but improving. 

Lungs:  the pulmonologist hasn't been in yet. We believe he will start dropping the PEEP down and then the oxygen. They kept that stable last night as they worked on the BP. 

Skin: his rashes seem to be improving. I did read he may slough off a lot of skin - even in places where the rash wasn't. Something to watch for. 

Things to watch:
Platelets:  his platelets continue to go down slowly. They are down to 31. They really should be above 150. Please pray that Paul's platelet count increases and he has no active bleeds while they are rising!

Paul:  I still haven't seen his eyes. I have seen him "wake up" and he is very agitated. I would be too with all of these lines, machines, and especially the tubes in his nose & mouth. That said, I know he is in there & he is coming back to us!

Please continue your prayers!  Today, we need platelets to rise, no active bleeds, and Paul to tolerate the dialysis pull to help his kidneys turn back on. 

God is moving mountains and you are all helping!  We cannot thank you enough!!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Paul: 2/22 Evening

UPDATE:  I had to send one additional update tonight. Two things:
1-the nurse came rushing down to the waiting room before the end of shift change to tell us the new room rules because - Paul is waking up!!!  

While we still have a long road, this is great news!  He opened his eyes and was moving around.  That said, he still has lots of healing to do. He needs to rest to let the meds work and help his body get stronger. So, while I cannot wait to look into his handsome eyes, I need to be patient and let him heal. 

That brings me to update #2. 
I passed the intern who was with me the first night we were here. He stopped and said - "your husband - he is a miracle!"  AMEN!  I thanked him for all they did for Paul. And he said - "God needs thanks for that!"  I agreed and said "Yes!  And, you all made sure the medicine was on board so God could do the work."  

While I know we still have a long road with ups and downs - progress & setbacks - God continues to provide very clear signs that He is here and He is providing!  Hallelujah & AMEN!

Paul: 2/22 - Afternoon

Today has been a day full of progression.

BP:  Paul is down to 4mcg/minute of one presser & his blood pressure is stable.  They will hope to stop that tonight.  The goal was to get these down today, and we might be off of all BP help - AMEN!  BP is pretty stable at 100/70 and pulse is down to 82.

Kidney:  Creatnine was down to 5.01 this morning from 7.5 at it's high.  Labs are only pulled once per day, so we will need to wait until tomorrow to see what that looks like.  Good news is that once the BP meds are off, they can start pulling off extra fluid via dialysis.  The doctor said he has about 20L of extra fluid now, and they will only pull 1-2L per day.  So, this will take some time - and they cannot start until we are sure his body can handle it.

Lungs:  The have kept him at 50% and the PEEP was down to 8 (from 14).  He was tolerating that well and was maintaining at 97 - AMEN!  The goal is to get the PEEP down to 5 and then start dropping the oxygen help to 30%.

Skin:  The rash on his back is improving which is a true answer to specific prayers.  He had other spots of rash around his body, so those are starting to peel / slough like his back.  They are watching those and taking care of them when they do.

Paul:  He is resting comfortably, and he sometimes makes extra movements to let us know he is in there.  He moves eyebrows and squeezes his eyes shut.  He hasn't opened his eyes since Friday, but I know he is still in there.  He has moved his toes & thumb (for those of you who knew Grandpa Muszik - he definitely gave us the thumb :)).  And, when they were moving him the last time, it seemed like he was trying to use his legs to help.

Kids:  The kids have been doing well while we had a houseful to keep them busy.  This next week will be a true test.  While they are used to me traveling for work, their dad is always with them.  So, knowing that Paul is here, I am worried about them.  Please pray for God to protect their minds & hearts.

Home:  Thank you to everyone for your prayers, support and offers to help.  We are starting to get the house needs figured out.  We will get something out soon, and truly appreciate the offers / willingness to help.

Paul: 2/22 - Morning

Jennifer Muszik UPDATE: Paul made more improvements last night. Here are some of the numbers:
BP - He is down to only 2 BP meds and the 2nd one is half of what it was last night. They will pull both of those off together, so the goal today is getting him off thos
e and allowing his body to do this work.
Kidneys - The dialysis has helped the ph in his blood. He is no longer considered acidotic & his creatnine is down to 5.01- Praise God!
Liver - Those numbers, while still not good, are also improving.
Lungs - He is down to 50% oxygen with PEEP still at 14 and blood gases look good. They will start to lower that PEEP today and see if we can get to the goal of 30% with PEEP below 5 in the next few days
Rash - His rash looks like it is getting better. There is still open skin that is weeping, so we need to keep an eye on that both for infections and pressure, but God answered those specific prayers.

New Concerns:
Platelets - his platelets are really low. This is concerning because that is how he would clot if there is an active bleed. While they don't see any active bleeds right now, they are making decisions on what to do about that

Ultrasound Results - there is an abscess in his abdomen with fluid. They would really like to get a CT Scan to see more before making any decisions, but he is not stable enough to get that. And, since the antibiotics seems to be working, they are likely going to wait another day or so to get that done.

Paul is in there. When I was talking with him this morning, he was moving his eyebrows and moving his thumb. I am trying to help him understand that his body still works, but the medicines are slowing his ability to move it. I know he is scared and I continue to try to talk with him through the process. To let him know the next steps, what is happening, and that we are all here - both in person, and all around the world, praying for him.

Please continue to pray! I don't know if I have said this in the past, but Paul is still on life support. Without all of the interventions right now, he would not be here. So, while I talk about the improvements, because that keeps us positive, he is no where near out of the woods yet. This will be a weeks - months process. The good news about that is - just yesterday - we were talking about getting through minutes & hours. We weren't talking about longer term plans and complications because we didn't know we would have that much time. Your prayers are working. Please know how much we all appreciate them. And, we will keep you updated.

Much Love & Many thanks to everyone!!!

Paul: 2/21

Jennifer Muszik UPDATE:
He had a good night.

The dialysis is working. They are able to pull the fluids they are giving him. Plus, they were able to take off 1 blood pressure med and his BP is holding strong.

The first creatinine (kidney function) reading after starting dialysis showed improvement - from 7.5 to 6.5. The goal is back around 1.

His oxygen level has increased to 107 so they were able to bring his oxygen percent back down to 80% but still needing lots of help expanding his lungs. Yesterday, it had dropped to 54, so they had to up his oxygen to 100% and increase the pressure to open his lungs.

Our next concern is the rash. The one on his back is starting to slough off. They will switch his bed to make it easier to watch & clean. The two worries with this are infection and the potential fluid loss. This can affect his blood pressure so having the one presser completely off gives us room to add it if needed.

They will wake him up a bit today to ensure he can wake up and then put him back to sleep. I have asked to be in there to see his eyes.

I appreciate the prayers for all of the family. We all did sleep a bit & they kept him alive and some small improvements.

I'll send more when I know. Thank you for continued prayers.

Jennifer Muszik UPDATE: Paul is still resting comfortably. That is my new way of saying sedated. When I spoke to him earlier, he moved his eyebrows and tried to blink. I know he is in there and he can hear me. But, we need him to rest so his body can heal.

- dialysis is seeming to work. His creatinine is lowered. His is still a little too acidic, but that is also moving in the right direction. They are also removing all of the fluid they are putting in which is good news. I promised him no pictures so I will not post any. Just know that this is a great thing.

Lungs - he is back down to 65% oxygen. His blood oxygen level was back up to 99%. They will try to get him down to 50% before lowering the PEEP (the pressure to fill his lungs)

Cultures - blood cultures haven't shown anything. Infectious disease doctor says it's because the toxins made by the bacteria were the cause of this - not the bacteria itself. He is going to do another type of test to see if they can find more out.

Liver - still no good news there. But, it doesn't seem to have gotten worse.

Skin - his skin is our next challenge. It is starting to slough off where the rashes were. That causes two potential problems - infection and due to the fluid loss, blood pressure challenges.

Which brings me to the better news for the day. He was on four pressers to keep his BP up. He is completely off of one and down to about half of another. That is good news both for his heart and so that if he needs help, we have room to add if needed.

I'm holding his hand and telling him all about your love prayers & support. Please keep it up! We still need them.
Jennifer Muszik UPDATE: Paul is still resting comfortably.

BP: His BP is holding strong and is now only on 2 BP meds. They will start to lower another one slowly to see what he can handle. They are going slow which is good for me.

Lungs: he is down to needing only 60% oxygen with his oxygen level staying around 97. Talked with pulmonology resident and learned a lot about the numbers on the screen. So far, those look good. Goal is to get to 50 to start dropping the PEEP (pressure). It's at 14. They don't like to go above 18, so it's pretty high. Goal there would be down to 5.

Temp: holding at 99.7 without any meds. That is good because they really don't want to add anymore to the liver.

Next Update - they are currently doing an ultrasound of all of his organs. That information will be sent to a radiologist to read and send a report. Will be a while for that to come.

Overall, we have seen some positive steps today. This will be a many week / several month process, but our focus is on getting him better and bringing him home.
Jennifer Muszik KIDS: I also had the opportunity to go home & see the kids today. LoraLee - thank you for your guidance & support with this. Noah & Sarah know that daddy is still sick, but he is at the place where people go to try to get better. That the doctors are doing their best and daddy can use their prayers. Noah did ask how long until daddy can come home and I told him I'm not sure. I don't want to promise something I can't guarantee. And, while I 1 Million% believe Paul is coming home with me, I want to be very cautious about making a promise to the kids.

Paulie was a little different story. I talked with him one-on-one to let him know that daddy was really sick and needed lots of prayers. He knows that it will be quite some time before daddy could get better. He also knows that some kids at school might ask him - and just to remember that means their family is praying for daddy.

We will need to work on what our new normal will be for them. And, thank you all for your offer to help / support. I'm not sure what that looks like today, but I know we are going to need it
Jennifer Muszik UPDATE: Paul has had a good day today. The goal today was to stay stable. He did better than that.

BP - down to 2 pressers from 4 with a stable BP. They will slowly titrate another one down and help Paul do the work.

Oxygen - vent is down to 55%. PEEP still at 14.

They are moving him to an "air bed" to help give more air to the wound. They will lift his sheet up, pull one bed out & push the new one in place and then lower him down. Because of that, they didn't want to move anything until he is resettles in his new bed.

They will pull more labs soon. Those results and ultrasound results should be here in the morning.

Goal is to get him settled & keep stable (well, critical but stable) through the night. Praying for that.

Thank you all for your prayers! While we are not out of the woods, each day gets us closer to it.

Paul: 2/19-20

February 19th - 10:48pm
Jennifer Muszik He is vented & sedated. His kidneys aren't working and his body is in shock. Please keep praying! We need it!

February 20th - 5:38am
Jennifer Muszik Paul is in multi-organ failure. Trying to keep him stable for the antibiotics to work so that his systems can turn back on. Please continue to pray!

February 20th - 10:49am
Jennifer Muszik Thank you everyone! Please keep them coming. He is running 104.4 fever and they know they need to start dialysis sometime soon. Radiology coming up to place port. Keeping him sedated. He looks more comfortable than before.

February 20th - 11:11am
Jennifer Muszik We are at St Vincent on 86th. Right now, we have lots of family in town both here & with the kids. Thanks so much for all your prayers. God's got this-but the extra encouragement is truly appreciated!

February 20th - 7:10pm
Jennifer Muszik UPDATE: He has gotten better throughout the day. His temp is down and his blood pressure is better (with lots of medicine help). His kidneys are still not working - may start dialysis tomorrow. Port is already placed for that.

They are also worried about his lungs as the next organ to fail.

Please keep praying. While he has improved some, his still has a long road to recovery. And, we are only focused on recovery.

February 20th - 9:40pm
Jennifer Muszik UPDATE: Paul's lungs have started to become impaired. Looks like the starting of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. This was somewhat expected.

They also believe it is time to start dialysis. They will start that tonight.

Please pray that he handles the transition to the dialysis. 
Please pray that his pressure stabilizes and they can pull off some of this fluid. 
Please pray that the lung damage that we see is as minimal as possible. And please pray for his liver. They are seeing signs of failure there which might challenge their ability to keep Paul sedated and calm. Please pray he can stay sedated and calm.

February 20th - 10:47pm
Jennifer Muszik Starting dialysis

February 20th - 11:02pm
Jennifer Muszik Transition to dialysis went well. He will be on a slow, continuous dialysis

Oxygen levels are low - too low. So, they did all they can with the vent and will be starting protocol for Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Will send note when I learn more.

 February 20th - 11:13pm
 Jennifer Muszik Please keep praying. They are working

February 20th - 11:45pm
 Jennifer Muszik Chest X-ray was better than expected. Still not great but better than they thought.
Still not getting great oxygen. Upped vent and waiting 1 hour.


Paul - How it all started...

Many have been asking how this all started.  And, since we were so focused on getting through the next second, minute, hour - it was hard to go back and share all of this because we were focused & praying on getting that next second, minute, hour...

Here is what we know:
Late last week - Wednesday - Friday (2/11-13), Paul felt like he might be coming down with something.  He wasn't bad, just a cold or something. 

Saturday (2/14) - Paul played basketball in the morning and came home with significant pain in his back - upper left side.  When he lifted his shirt, it looked like someone slapped him or elbowed him - red & a little swollen. 

That said, he felt good enough to go to dinner that night.

Sunday (2/15) - Toward the end of the evening, Paul started to get the sweats / chills.  He was also starting to get an all-over pain. 

Monday (2/16) - The pain was getting worse.  We saw the doctor at 2pm who diagnosed him with shingles.  They started him on steriods, anti-virals, and pain meds.  They said it would take 2-3 days to truly feel better.

Tuesday - Wednesday (2/17-18) - Paul would have bouts of feeling better & feeling worse.  It was tough for him to sleep - he was still feeling hot flashes / cold chills.  Based on the side effects of all the medicines he was on, we believed that to be the cause.

Thursday (2/19) - Paul said he was feeling better that morning.  I had a meeting away from the home, and this was suppose to be the 48-72 hours where he would feel better from the shingles.  He told me to go to my meeting & he would be fine.  That was 9am.

At 12pm, I received a call / text from both Paul & his mom.  Paul was throwing up, light headed, and a rash had now started in other parts of his body.  I rushed home & called the doctors office on the way.

Upon arriving home, I saw the rash and put Paul in the car and went to the Urgent Care.  On the phone, they said it was likely a reaction to the steroid, but this didn't look like a reaction.  Paul's fingers & toes were cold and blue, his breathing was labored and his heart rate was low.

It was there they called the ambulance, and took him to the ER.

I had the two little ones with me and needed to get Paulie off of the bus, so Paul was sent - alone - to the ER.  He had his phone and was texting me the entire time:
What meds was I on?
BP 66/40
ICU - asked if I want to be intubated if lungs fail

I am so sad he had to deal with this on his own.  He was hearing words that he hasn't heard before.  And, neither of us knew how sick he was.  I never wanted him to ever deal with any of this - especially not alone!

When I got to the ER, they wouldn't let me see him.  They were putting in a central line for antibiotics and a line in each arm.  He was terrified.  We got him up to the ICU and were talking for a short time before shift change - and they don't allow family during shift change. 

Just before they kicked me out, the pulmonologist said he wanted Paul to get a vent.  Paul was scared, but based on the doctor's tone & facial expression, I knew it was the right thing to do.  I told Paul that was what he needed - Praise God for that decision!

Before I left, Paul told me that he was scared and that he would be waiting for me in Heaven...

When I got back with Paul's parents, Paul was in a fight for his life, but we really didn't quite know it yet.  His body was toxic all over, but no one had much to say to us.  So much that I sent his parents home and said I would be here and see them in the morning. 

Just before 2am, the doctors were making some additional changes so I needed to leave the room again.  When they came to get me, they told me it was time to call in the family.  Paul was decompensating fast.  They had done all they could medically - now it was up to Paul's body to fight this. 

At that time, I sent a text & a message on FaceBook for everyone to pray.  What is amazing to me is how many people were up and sending prayers!  And, I had told the rest of our family to stay home because I didn't think it was going to be that bad.  No one listened, and right when I needed strength the most, God provided through family and friends.  We had a priest and a minister in the room with all of us praying for him right when he needed it the most. 

Then - we needed to wait.  We watched numbers and prayed for improvement.  Every minute / hour was important.  We saw small improvements, praised God, and asked for more.  He provided!


I know you did not give this infection to Paul.  I know this was not part of Your plan.  And, I know You will see us through this.

While we do not know Your plan, I am PRAYING BOLDLY that Your plan is to have Paul and I walking hand in hand out of this hospital together.  Paul will be healthy and home with our family. 

You have moved mountains.  You have parted seas.  You have healed the sick - and have gotten Paul to this point.  He is still so very sick, and I pray for Your healing!

Please be with the doctors.  Help them see what is invisible to others.  Help them to ask the right questions, draw the right labs, and make the right decisions.  Help them to do what is medically necessary to allow Your Great Work to be seen by all.

In Jesus' Name,