Monday, December 21, 2015

An Everyday Miracle is Published!

I am so very thankful for each and every one of you who have been with us on this journey.  You have logged in, you have read the updates, and you have prayed.  And, we asked you to pray for so many things this year.  Please know how much we appreciate your prayers & support!

God has provided so very much this year:
- Paul is stable.  His kidneys found their new normal.  While it isn't complete healing, it is good enough for all of us.  He will remain in Stage 3 chronic kidney disease.  That said, he will manage it with diet, exercise, and a low does ACE-inhibitor.  Praise Jesus!
- I continue to be cancer-free!  I will go back for my next visit in early January, but for now, there is much to celebrate there!
- The children are all doing well in school and sports (and Sarah looking forward to school next year).  They are thankful that we have had the past several months together as a family - with no one sick and no one traveling for work.
- The book is published!  I am overwhelmingly thankful for everyone's prayers and support during that process.  It was more than just writing a book.  This was personal and it was healing.  We have been through so very much.  Writing this allowed me to see all the blessings we missed during the struggles.  Praising God for giving me the courage!
Here is the link:

While I am not sure what God has in store for us for 2016, I pray we can continue to be patient in the process and obedient to His Directions.

One thing I do know - this blog will be moving!  We are working on an updated site ( that should be up early next year.  I am thankful for my friend who is helping me with the transition.  I look forward to getting back to weekly updates - and possibly adding video blogging (or v-logging) into the mix.  I will add another update when that is live.

Until then, from our family to yours - we wish you the most blessed Christmas and a happy & healthy 2016!