Saturday, October 4, 2014

UPDATE: Praise God & Prayer Request

When I came home on Wednesday, I was physically feeling okay.  Sore, but okay.  The challenge was I was preparing myself for the next week of an emotional roller coaster.  When I left the hospital, I was told that it would be 7-10 days before the pathology would come back.  That information would determine my next steps.
 - If clear, no radiation / no chemotherapy
 - If not, well…

So, I tried to give it to God.  This again wasn't anything I could control.  The surgery went well, the doctor felt that everything looked good.  She even told my dad and husband that the first procedure (done in early August) may have gotten everything.  We would just need to wait for pathology.

Thursday morning, I was still in bed when the phone rang.  My husband answered the phone and came upstairs a few moments later.  It was the doctor.  She called with the pathology -



While we were always hopeful for that result, we were trying to prepare for any result possible.  When we heard the news, tears were streaming from our eyes.  STREAMING!

And, I froze.  I couldn't speak.  I couldn't move.  I laid there praying to / praising God!  He did it!  Even if the results were different, He would have still been there through it.  But, that was not my story.  He did it!  He cured me.  Praise God!

In very short order, I started sending emails, texts, posts, to share the good news with all those who had been sending up prayers.  It worked!  Hallelujah!  Praise God!  And, Thank You to all of those who took the moment to pray - it worked!

So, here are the next steps:
 - I meet with the doctor in two weeks to discuss the results
 - I will need repeat paps every 3-6 months for the next couple of years to ensure the cell changes aren't anywhere else

Words cannot describe how grateful I am for everyone's love, support & prayers!  I will be forever thankful for everyone!  FOREVER THANKFUL!

So……  Why is there a prayer request in my post title?

Because, we have all seen the power of prayer.  We have seen it time and time again.  And, I have a friend who could really use prayer support.

My friend, Tammy, has been going through a great deal with her own cancer diagnosis.  She recently had another surgery and had post-op complications.  She was home doing better until yesterday.

She was rushed to the hospital with blood clots in her lungs and was placed on a ventilator.  From what I understand, this morning, she may be off of the ventilator, but is still in critical condition.


Please be with Tammy right now.   Please be with the doctors and nurses to make the right diagnosis, provide the right treatment, and give her the right support.  Please be with her family & friends right now to help them provide the best help and love.  And, please be with Tammy right now - help her to breathe, help her to heal. 

Lord, Tammy has been and is still a very faithful follower.  Please hear our prayers.  Please heal her.  Please, Lord, help her.

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