Sunday, December 7, 2014

#19 - Dick Fetter & Dan McQuiston

And, as mentioned in a previous post, I know that God has placed angels along my path to help guide me along the way.  Two of those angels at Butler were two professors – Dick Fetter & Dan McQuiston.

McQ – I am so thankful for you!  When I was switching majors into Business from Pharmacy, you were my advisor.  And, the semester prior to coming into the College of Business was not one of my proudest times.  I was caught up in the trying to get the “full college experience” and since I was switching majors – I think I gave up on my sensibilities.  You helped get me back on track both personally & academically.  You helped me to see what I needed to do to get a great business education and graduate only needing one additional semester.  And, you stayed in touch to ensure I was keeping on track.  Knowing that, I didn’t want to let you down.  I focused on my classes and my grades.  I graduated with a 3.6 (almost Cum Laude) and with a job offer from Pfizer.  And, I truly wouldn’t have had that job offer without your endorsement to my first manager.  Truly, I wouldn’t be here without you!  I am so very thankful for all you did back then, and for your continued friendship, guidance & support!

Fetter – I am so thankful for you!  When I switched majors, you were one of the first professors I had for a business class.  You opened my eyes to the world of business.  What I loved about you & your class was that you were speaking from that experience.  You would teach us the textbook information, and then use your personal experience (or share an experience of another) to make those concepts come to life.  After being in your class, I knew I was in the right place!  But, I am thankful for so much more than that!  As mentioned, I wasn’t in a great place personally back then.  You noticed and you cared.  You were there to listen when I needed someone to listen –and you were there to push me when I needed someone to push me.  And, when it came time to graduate, you also gave your endorsement to my first manager.  Truly, I wouldn’t be here without you!  I am so very thankful for all you did back then, and for your continued friendship, guidance & support!

#18 - Butler University

I am so very thankful for Butler University – for my education, the faculty, my friends and so much more!  First, I received a great education at Butler.  I started in as a pharmacy major; however, the first two years were focused on providing a well-rounded liberal arts education.  And, I have relied on many of those learnings throughout my career.  I have said this many times – My Butler education not only helped me get my first job, it provided the foundation for me to be successful throughout my career!  And, as of this week – that has been a 16 year career at Pfizer where I am in my 7th different position.  I would not be here without my Butler education.

With that said, I do dedicate time and money to Butler to give back just a little of what I gained.  I have the honor & privilege to sit on two different boards – the Alumni Association Board & the Strategic Marketing Board.  Through these boards, I have gotten to meet so many amazing Butler alumni, faculty & staff!  I also participate in the Butler Business Scholars weekends where I have the honor to speak with the parents of prospective students to share my Butler experience.  And, I then get to meet with some of the prospective students.  It is truly something I look forward to each year, and am disappointed when work responsibilities take me away from Indianapolis.  I will move almost anything on my calendar to attend these.  And, now living in the Indianapolis area – it is much easier to attend J.

I am truly so very thankful for Butler University! 

#17 - Mr. Backe & Mrs. Wright

When I think about my life and how I got here today, I know that God has placed many angels on Earth to help guide me along the way.  Two of those early angels were Mr. Backe – my 7th grade science teacher, and Mrs. Wright – my high school guidance counselor.

Mr. Backe – I am so very thankful for you!  When I was in 7th grade, I moved to NW IN and started a new school.  I had just left a school where it wasn’t “cool” to be smart.  In my new school, I didn’t have many friends, and I really didn’t fit in.  So, when it was time to dissect a frog, I thought – there is no way!  So, I asked you to allow me to write a paper on it instead.  And, I am so very thankful that you asked if I would just be there the first day.  If I really didn’t want to do it, you would let me go to the library and write the paper.  And, as you know – I LOVED IT!   Not really dissecting the frog, but I loved science!  And, I truly appreciated your support!  That led to taking 5 years of science in 3.5 years of high school and eventually going into pharmaceutical sales.  I wouldn’t be here without you!

And, I just realized that the “thing” that got me to love science was a FROG (Forever Rely on God)!  Amen!

Mrs. Wright – I am so very thankful for you!  You were always there for me in high school.  What I didn’t realize then is just how much that meant.  Teenage years are tough – especially for girls.  And you were always there.  You weren’t just there to help me with classes and prepare for college applications – you listened to a lot of silly girl issues that were the world to me at that time.  I cannot thank you enough for that – and all you did!  And, you helped me focus on pharmacy and eventually Butler.  I wouldn’t be here today without your guidance and I am so very thankful for you!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

#16 - School & Bass Lake Friends

I am so very thankful for all of the amazing people who were in my life during my early years (and many are still a part of our lives today)!

Calumet City Friends - I am so very thankful for you!  You were there for me when I was a young, chunky, pimple-faced, thick glasses wearing goof ball.  I learned so much from you, and I am so thankful for your friendships!  I am also thankful for FaceBook to get us back connected after many years! 

Bass Lake Friends - I am so very thankful for you!  You were there for me when I was still the chunky, pimple-faced, thick glasses wearing goof ball.  I have so many wonderful memories of the summers spent on the lake skiing & tubing!  We had so much fun playing ghosts in the graveyard & movie tag :).  Drive-in movies & King Kreme for ice cream & video games.  I am so very thankful for your friendships!

Grimmer & Lake Central Friends - I am so very thankful for you!  You were there for me when I was still a chunky, pimple-faced, contact wearing goof ball.  On top of all that, I was so insecure as we moved to a new town with new people who were all friends for years.  Thank you for accepting me.  Thank you for teaching me about clothes & make-up :).  Thank you for being there as I grew up and became a young adult.  You helped me to become more confident and comfortable in my own skin. I am truly thankful for your friendships!

Sorry for the delay!

I am truly sorry for the delay in sending out notes for those who I am thankful for.  I will be continuing through December - Why should thankfulness be held to one month???

The last three weeks have been especially hectic here.  I started traveling for work again.  It was fun to see everyone, but it definitely wore me out more than I expected.  I am truly grateful for the amazing team I have the pleasure of working with - and I will dedicate a post soon to how thankful I am for them.

I also got really great news!  In January this year when I got sick, I also experienced significant muscle weakness & pain.  It happened again in March and May.  It worried me as it seemed that every time I got a fever, I could barely move my arms & legs.  That is what sent me into the doctor originally when we found the cancer. 

So, long story short (too late), I ended up having an MRI last week to see what the cause is (and to determine if I have MS).  The good news is - I don't have MS!  My brain scan was unremarkable... Praise God!!!  They did see two slipped discs in my neck (which could be the cause of my headaches), so I will be starting PT soon to see if that can be fixed. 

All in all, it has been a very good few weeks - busy, tiring & emotional, but very good!  Back to my Month(s) of Thankfulness!