Thursday, December 4, 2014

Sorry for the delay!

I am truly sorry for the delay in sending out notes for those who I am thankful for.  I will be continuing through December - Why should thankfulness be held to one month???

The last three weeks have been especially hectic here.  I started traveling for work again.  It was fun to see everyone, but it definitely wore me out more than I expected.  I am truly grateful for the amazing team I have the pleasure of working with - and I will dedicate a post soon to how thankful I am for them.

I also got really great news!  In January this year when I got sick, I also experienced significant muscle weakness & pain.  It happened again in March and May.  It worried me as it seemed that every time I got a fever, I could barely move my arms & legs.  That is what sent me into the doctor originally when we found the cancer. 

So, long story short (too late), I ended up having an MRI last week to see what the cause is (and to determine if I have MS).  The good news is - I don't have MS!  My brain scan was unremarkable... Praise God!!!  They did see two slipped discs in my neck (which could be the cause of my headaches), so I will be starting PT soon to see if that can be fixed. 

All in all, it has been a very good few weeks - busy, tiring & emotional, but very good!  Back to my Month(s) of Thankfulness!

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