Saturday, November 22, 2014

#15 - Bella, Luke & Baby Boy Spangler - My Niece & Nephews!

Bella & Luke - I hope you both know how much we all love you, and how thankful we are that God brought you into our lives!

Bella - Your name was chosen perfectly for you - you are an amazingly beautiful girl!  It is hard to believe you are already 8 years old!  I remember the day you were born - you were the first grandchild for Busia & Papa.  We watched you grow from a baby, to a little girl, to an amazing young lady!  You are a great oldest cousin!  Thank you for loving & playing with Paulie & Noah.  I hope you know how much they love you and love being with you.  And, thank you for being so kind & loving to Sarah!  You are a wonderful cousin and an awesome niece!

Luke - You are such a wonderful nephew!  And, it is hard to believe you are already 7 because I remember when your mom & I were both pregnant with you and Paulie!  You have been such an amazing cousin!  Paulie & Noah love having a boy cousin to play sports, superheroes & boy stuff!  And, Sarah loves having another big boy cousin who looks out for her.  I hope you know how much they love you and love being with you.  You are a wonderful cousin & an awesome nephew!

Baby Boy Spangler - I hope we can show you how much we love you, and how thankful we are that God gave you to your mom & dad!  Your cousin Paulie prayed for many nights that God would give your parents a little baby.  We all continue to pray that you are growing & developing safely with your mom.  And, we look forward to meeting you for the first time around Christmas - we can hardly wait!  But, please stay in there until you are fully healthy and ready for us to love all over you!

Bella, Luke & Baby Boy Spangler - I hope you know how much we all love you and have very grateful we are that God brought you into our lives!!!  

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