Friday, January 30, 2015

2015 - The Year of Growth

In today’s retreat (Soul Spa Sisterhood), we were encouraged to pray for a word for the year.  A word that would represent what we are to learn this year, where we are to grow.  So, as opposed to looking back at the year and seeing what happened in the year past – being more present in the gifts, teachings, blessings God gives us throughout the year.  Walking into the year with our eyes wide open.

For me, right now, the word that continues to come to mind is “Growth”.  I am involved in a great deal this year – both personally and professionally.  And, I want to be fully present in the areas where God is taking me – where am I supposed to grow, and where I am there to help others grow.
Colossians 1:9-10 (GNB):
For this reason we have always prayed for you, ever since we heard about you.  We ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will, with all the wisdom and understanding that his Spirit gives.  Then you will be able to live as the Lord wants and will always do what pleases him.  Your lives will produce all kinds of good deeds, and you will grow in your knowledge of God.
What is wonderful about thinking of this year as a growing year, is that every stage of growth is beautiful.  Think of a child.  Pregnancy is beautiful, birth is beautiful, every new skill is beautiful (sleeping, rolling over, crawling, walking, talking, etc.).  And, while some times the journey isn’t easy (crying, not sleeping, no interest in potty training, back-talking, etc.), the reward is truly worth it.  And, when reflecting, we relish the accomplishment and pay little attention to the not so pretty parts.
So, 2015 will be the year that I am fully present in my opportunities for Growth – as a child of God, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, colleague, mentee, mentor and acquaintance.  I will seek opportunities for growth, and see what I am to learn.  And, that when I see opportunities for others to grow, I will help to open their eyes to those opportunities (prayerfully). 
I am so very grateful for Your Grace and Forgiveness.  I am thankful for Your Guidance, Wisdom and Strength.  I pray that You help me to open my eyes to the areas of growth for me in 2015.  I pray that You help me to keep my focus on You, Your goals, Your plans, Your timing. And, when appropriate, I pray You use me to help provide that to others – in a way that is pleasing to You and opens their eyes / hearts to Your words. 
In Jesus’ Name,

Soul Spa Sisterhood!

What a wonderful day I am having today – and God has been orchestrating this for weeks now.  He knew it was just what I needed. 

It has been a busy end to 2014 & beginning of 2015.  So busy, I have had little time to reflect on what has all occurred.  I have busy with the business of being busy – getting things done at work, at home, with friends.  I have filled my days with busy.  More than my days – my hours, my minutes, my seconds.  I have very little down time – which means, I haven’t taken the time to process all that has happened.
So, I knew I needed some girl time.  More importantly, some girl fellowship time.  I contacted my favorite friend to connect with and we were searching for dates – hoping it would be in January.  When she responded, she said a friend was hosting a “Soul Spa” day, and wanted to know if I could make it.  It was a day for Christian women to come together for worship, and to spend some time reflecting.  And, that day was one of the days that I was available. 
So, here I am – and the morning has been amazing.  We spent time praying, singing & getting to know one another.  And, now, it is our personal time to write. 
The bible verse chosen for this:
Mark 6:31 (NIV):  “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
Rest – that is an interesting word.  It is truly only when I am writing or praying that I truly feel at rest.  Other thoughts leave my mind and heart – and I am fully in communion with God…at rest.
2014 was a difficult year.  There was so much to do and I felt responsible to do it all – with a smile on my face, without complaining, seeking God through every twist & turn. When I look at all that we went through last year, I could not have done any of it on my own.  It was God.  Only God.
It reminds me of my mom’s favorite poem – Footprints in the Sand.  If you haven’t read it, here is the gist.  As a man reflects on his life, he sees times when there are two sets of footprints, and other times where there is only one set.  He realizes, that at the most difficult times in his life, there are only one set of footprints.  So, he calls out to God – asking why, at the most trying times, God had left him to walk alone.  God’s reply is so beautiful.
“My precious child, I love you and will never leave you – Never, ever, during your trials and testings.  When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”
Matthew 11:28-30 (GNB):  “Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest.  For the yoke I will give you is easy, and the load I will put on you is light.”
That is my prayer today – and for 2015.  That I take God up on that offer.  That I will come to Him with my troubles and burdens and He will give me rest.  That is what He promises to each and every one of us.  We just need to “Let go, and Let God.”
I come to you today in Thanksgiving.  I am so very thankful for all of Your blessings – those seen and unseen.  I am so very Thankful for Your Promise of rest.  My prayer today for myself and others is to help us truly come to You first.  To seek You and to give our burdens to You.  You alone can handle it all.  You never expected us to handle any of this alone – You are always there with us, wanting to lighten our load.  Please, God, help us to seek Your guidance and wisdom.  Help us to gather the learnings of each experience, and let the rest go.  Help us to be closer to You and Your plans for each of us.  And, thank You for bringing me here today.  You cleared the path so I would be here.  And, this is exactly where I need to be today.  Thank You!
In Jesus’ Name,

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

God's Plan

I would like to share a series of events:
- Thursday:
  - Flew to SF 
  - Left wallet in seat back on plane
  - Amazing woman from Delta retrieved my wallet (Praise God)
  - Happily get on bus with wallet
  - Realize that it has taken me to wrong hotel (when I arrived at wrong hotel)
  - Uber to correct hotel (2nd Uber as 1st one tells me he doesn't want to pick me up because I'm too far away from airport - @ 10 minutes away)
  - 2nd Uber driver gets me to my hotel & is a truly kind soul
  - Discover somewhere along this journey, the handle to the luggage I just purchased is broken 
  - Arrive at hotel at ~12am PST (which is 3am my time) and have a conference call at 5am PST. 
  - Spend 2 days in SF and 2 days in Napa (amazing experience)
  - Arrive to SFO early and pay $200 to get on earlier flight
  - Early flight is delayed. Original flight takes off before earlier flight (that was paid for)
  - New flight doesn't take off until 4:20pm (was to take off at 12:15. Original flight left at 1:55). 
  - Having some time, walk into packed airport bar / restaurant. All seats look full on first pass. As I come back around, 1 seat opens. 

And, here is where I can fully see God's presence. I sit next to this amazing woman and we are able to share great fellowship. We connected so purely, that we shared some very personal experiences that are difficult to share with closest friends. But this conversation was easy. It was light and full of love. No judgments. Just love. 

We spent close to an hour chatting and then she realized - her flight was taking off. So, she gathered her things, we said our good-byes, and she proceeded to her gate. That said, she had a feeling she may have missed it. So, I saved her seat and motioned to the bartender to save her salad & drink for a few moments. 

I am so glad I did because, a few moments later, she walked back in. She missed her flight by a few minutes and was going to need to take the later flight. 

And, as much as I was excited to see her come back, she was also happy to come back. Now, while she may have rather been on the plane, she wasn't disappointed that she missed the flight. 

So, we were able to spend anothe 20+ minutes in fellowship. Sharing with each other, learning about each other, and thanking God for the opportunity to have our paths cross (& nudging us to connect). 

I am so very filled with Love & Thankfulness that God gave us that time. We both could have had very negative attitudes about our "situations" however we both were able to take it in stride because we saw God's Hand in this connection. 

You may be asking why I shared this story. 

I share it because - we all have difficult days or unexpected circumstances. However, you never know what God has planned for you that day. So, you have a choice about how you respond. 

I could have been grumpy and cold. I could have been curt or dismissive. But, I try to always trust that God has a plan. And, while I don't always see what that plan is, this time it was fully apparent. 

I am so thankful for Your Love!  You help me to keep a positive perspective regardless of the situation. You help me stay centered and focused on You & Your Plan. 

Thank You for the opportunity to connect with M. That was truly a Divine Plan. And, whether we were meant to meet for the moment or connect for longer, please know we both saw Your Hand in our connecting. 

Please help me to continue to draw closer to You, to fulfill the plan You have for me, and to draw others to Your Kingdom. 

In Jesus' Name!
