Friday, January 30, 2015

2015 - The Year of Growth

In today’s retreat (Soul Spa Sisterhood), we were encouraged to pray for a word for the year.  A word that would represent what we are to learn this year, where we are to grow.  So, as opposed to looking back at the year and seeing what happened in the year past – being more present in the gifts, teachings, blessings God gives us throughout the year.  Walking into the year with our eyes wide open.

For me, right now, the word that continues to come to mind is “Growth”.  I am involved in a great deal this year – both personally and professionally.  And, I want to be fully present in the areas where God is taking me – where am I supposed to grow, and where I am there to help others grow.
Colossians 1:9-10 (GNB):
For this reason we have always prayed for you, ever since we heard about you.  We ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will, with all the wisdom and understanding that his Spirit gives.  Then you will be able to live as the Lord wants and will always do what pleases him.  Your lives will produce all kinds of good deeds, and you will grow in your knowledge of God.
What is wonderful about thinking of this year as a growing year, is that every stage of growth is beautiful.  Think of a child.  Pregnancy is beautiful, birth is beautiful, every new skill is beautiful (sleeping, rolling over, crawling, walking, talking, etc.).  And, while some times the journey isn’t easy (crying, not sleeping, no interest in potty training, back-talking, etc.), the reward is truly worth it.  And, when reflecting, we relish the accomplishment and pay little attention to the not so pretty parts.
So, 2015 will be the year that I am fully present in my opportunities for Growth – as a child of God, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, colleague, mentee, mentor and acquaintance.  I will seek opportunities for growth, and see what I am to learn.  And, that when I see opportunities for others to grow, I will help to open their eyes to those opportunities (prayerfully). 
I am so very grateful for Your Grace and Forgiveness.  I am thankful for Your Guidance, Wisdom and Strength.  I pray that You help me to open my eyes to the areas of growth for me in 2015.  I pray that You help me to keep my focus on You, Your goals, Your plans, Your timing. And, when appropriate, I pray You use me to help provide that to others – in a way that is pleasing to You and opens their eyes / hearts to Your words. 
In Jesus’ Name,

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