Saturday, September 5, 2015

Book is done - An Everyday Miracle!

Hallelujah & Amen!  I am so overwhelmingly thankful to be able to share that the book is at the publisher. 

Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me along the way. It was more difficult than I anticipated. I took time to process each part of the journey. Some were easier than others. So, while it was difficult, it was also healing. I know I still have some work to do to truly heal from all we have been through. I continue to pray for that. And, I know God will see me / us through this, too!

The book is titled, An Everday Miracle. I still hope it will be out before Christmas.  As soon as I know of a launch date, I will post it. 

In the book, you will see many of the posts written during the journey - but it is much more than that.  The book includes the rest of the story. It will have pictures that were not posted. It includes some of the scariest moments of our lives - the things I wasn't ready to post at the time.  It illustrates just how dependent I was on God for every breath. Praise Him!

As we get closer to launch, I will be moving this blog to my own personal website: A friend is helping me build it now. More to come on that soon, too!

Please know how thankful we are for each and every one of you!  

Heavenly Father,

I come to You in Thanksgiving today and always!  Thank you for providing me this outlet to process what we have been through and share the experience with others!  Thank you for giving me the courage to step out on faith to write this book. I do pray this book will glorify You!

Father - please continue to heal our hearts and minds. Please keep our focus on You. I know You have given each of us specific gifts to use for the benefit of Your Work. Please help us to see the work You have planned for us, and give us the courage to be obedient to that calling. 

In Jesus' Name,


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