Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Please Help! Prayer Request

Dearest Friends & Family,

My friend can truly use all the prayer support he can get!  He and his wife just learned that their little two year old son, Parker (who is actually one of a set of triplet boys & has an older sister), was diagnosed with leukemia - ALL.  They found this out over the weekend, and little Parker has already had to have a surgery to insert a port and is starting chemotherapy.

While I can share more of the story, I feel like it's their story to share and I want to respect that.  So, here is my request.


Please pray any and all prayers you feel compelled to pray - for strength, for love, for patience, for guidance, for support, for understanding, for peace...

Here are some of my prayers:
Lord, please guide the doctors to come to the right decision for little Parker 
I pray the doctors listen to that guidance 
Lord, please take over the doctors' hands in taking care of Parker
I pray little Parker gets the right care at the right time, and overcomes this quickly
I pray once the cancer is gone, there are no relapses

I pray Parker's parents feel Your Arms around them
I pray they know You are with them - throughout this entire journey.  You will see them and Parker through this
I pray they feel all of the love, support & prayers from their family, friends, neighbors & others who hear their story
I pray they ask for and accept the help that all of us are hoping to provide (whatever that help looks like)

I pray for Parker's sister & brothers  
I pray for their health and their peace
I pray for Parker's extended family & friends

Lord, I have so many other thoughts and prayers swirling in my heart & head.  Please help all of us to be there for Parker & his family in the way that will best help and support.  

And, Lord, all of the literature says that cancer will take around three years to beat - a long and difficult three years.  Lord, while I believe in the science, I believe in You more!  I know You can make anything happen.  If it be Your will, I pray this - please shorten the time and ease Parker's journey.  Please cure him and cure him quickly.  

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