Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Paul: April 25th Update (Sorry for the delay)

Paul saw the nephrologist (kidney doctor) yesterday, and he was pleased with Paul's progress - Hallelujah!!! Here are some of the details:
Labs - he said that he would like to see Paul's creatnine come down to about 1 (which is what it was in December). He recommended that Paul get his labs done 1x/month now until we see the numbers back to normal.
This is good because Paul truly does not like giving blood. That said, I do like having the information every week. So, we will need to continue to pray for complete healing of Paul's kidneys and know that God has had this under control the entire time. While I may want the labs, He has got this covered. I just need to "Let God, & let go".
Diet - The doctor said that he didn't think it was necessary for Paul to be strict to the renal diet (which is good because Paul hasn't been too strict with it lately). He did want Paul to watch his sodium intake. And, he said it would be okay for Paul to have "a beer." I want to make that distinction as it wasn't okay to have "beers" just okay to have "a beer".
So, we are going to go out tonight to celebrate! We used to have a date night every couple of weeks (sometimes more). We haven't had a true date night since this all started. We are looking forward to it!
Plus, the kids are looking forward to having a babysitter! They love the sitters in the neighborhood and are looking forward to having some fun, too! 
Thank you all for your prayers & support! Much Love!!

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