Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29th Update

Thank you all for your prayers & support these 3 1/2 months.  It is hard to believe that it has been that long - and hard to believe that it has only been that long.  Please know that we couldn't have done any of this without each one of you!

Here is the update on Paul:
Kidneys - we were so thankful to get the lab report in early May seeing the progression of Paul's kidneys.  They were moving in the right direction and we had one of the three labs finally in the normal range.  With that in mind, we were prayerful that the labs Paul had done on Tuesday would show he was back in the normal range in either two - or all three labs.  

When we received the lab report yesterday, that was not the case.  While we haven't seen a dramatic slide, we also didn't see any improvement.  Here are the detail:
Creatnine - up slightly from 1.8 to 1.83 (normal is 0.8-1.5)
GFR - down slightly from 46 to 45 (normal is >60)
BUN - up slightly from 24 to 27 (normal is 8-26)

While one lab test does not make a trend, it does help us to realize that Paul's kidneys are not fully healed and he needs to continue to watch his diet and exercise.  This will help his kidneys not need to work so hard and allow them more time to heal.  His next lab draw is June 22nd.  Please keep praying for complete healing of his kidneys.

I also thank you all of your prayers for me.  I received my labs back on Wednesday, and my tests were all clear.  I will need to go back every 6 months for 3 years before I will be truly considered cured. Just so very thankful for that positive news!

We truly thank you for your prayers & support.  Please know how much we love you & appreciate everything!

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