Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day One of the Best of My Life

Wow!  What a year it has been!  There truly aren't words to fully describe what all has happened - and as a writer, that says a lot!

But, here we are.  We have made it.  Paul has made it.  And June 16th was my last official day at Pfizer.

So, now what?  What am I going to do?  What are we going to do?  What's next?

I am happy to share that I have made several very clear decisions that I feel God has guided me to make at this time:

1 - I obviously decided not to stay with Pfizer is 6/16 was my last day.  It was a difficult decision as that was all I have known for the past 16+ years.  Pfizer took a chance on me when I was right out of college with very little experience, but a lot of potential.  They helped me to spread my wings, try new things, and grow both personally and professionally.  I have made so many great friends there, and I will forever be grateful for all of them!  All that said, I felt like it was time to go.  So, while I will no longer be working there, I know I will stay connected with the amazing people I have had the honor & pleasure to work with!

2 - I am nearly done with the book.  My hope was to finish it by the end of May, which is now the end of June.  I didn't realize just how tough it would be to put all of what happened into words.  It has been very helpful for me to deal with a lot of things I had been blocking.  I look forward to sharing that with everyone - hopefully by the end of the year.  I have decided to self-publish.  While I could have gone to a traditional publisher, I wanted at least this first copy to be my words, my experience, my voice.  We will see if it goes anywhere else.  Either way, I am just thankful for the time to write this out, to deal with the emotions of this year, and to hopefully share this journey with others that might benefit from the experience.

3 - I have also decided to not jump back into full-time Corporate America work right away.  I am hoping to take these next 6-9 months to learn, grow and develop myself.  I want to work on projects that are meaningful for individuals and organizations.  And, I truly feel like God has provided the path to make this happen.  So, next week, I will be signing papers to open an LLC, and I have a couple of projects already in the works.  While I don't know that this will be a forever job, I am happy that it is a "for now" opportunity.  

I am truly thankful for the time I have had to spend with Paul and the itty-bittys.  I love our family, and am so grateful for each day we get to spend together.  After everything we have been through, we are truly aware that tomorrow is not guaranteed.  Praising God for allowing us this great quality time together - and for keeping us focused on each other.  We didn't just jump back into old routines, we are creating new ones - more together ones, more loving ones, more thankful ones.

All of this reminds me of a song by Matthew West - Day One:

I am starting over.  We are starting over as a family.  We are keeping the good and adjusting the not so good.  We are so very thankful for each moment we get to have together.  And, we are excited about the future plans God has for each of us individually and as a family.

Heavenly Father,

My heart and soul are overflowing with thankfulness for all You have provided!  You have provided so many miracles in the healing of Paul, in the healing of me, and keeping us focused on You and Your promises.  

Jeremiah 29:11 (GNB) - I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.

Father, I pray that You help keep us focused on Your plans for us - individually and as a family.  And, when the world tells us we should be doing something different, help us to stay in complete connection with You, Your will, Your plan and Your timing.  You have saved us and kept us together for a reason.  We know You have a plan.  And I look forward to seeing what You have in store for us!

In Jesus' Name,


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