Thursday, June 30, 2016

We Are Moving...websites, that is!

Hello friends!

Oh how I have missed blogging!  While I was writing the book, I didn't have the ability to also write the blog.  Then, I started a new job and let the busyness of the day stop me from writing.  Now that I am getting settled into my new role, I am looking forward to getting back to writing.

I am also excited to share that is live!  Over the weekend, I will update this site and start blogging from there, soon!

I look forward to our continued conversations on this new site.

Many blessings & much love!


Monday, December 21, 2015

An Everyday Miracle is Published!

I am so very thankful for each and every one of you who have been with us on this journey.  You have logged in, you have read the updates, and you have prayed.  And, we asked you to pray for so many things this year.  Please know how much we appreciate your prayers & support!

God has provided so very much this year:
- Paul is stable.  His kidneys found their new normal.  While it isn't complete healing, it is good enough for all of us.  He will remain in Stage 3 chronic kidney disease.  That said, he will manage it with diet, exercise, and a low does ACE-inhibitor.  Praise Jesus!
- I continue to be cancer-free!  I will go back for my next visit in early January, but for now, there is much to celebrate there!
- The children are all doing well in school and sports (and Sarah looking forward to school next year).  They are thankful that we have had the past several months together as a family - with no one sick and no one traveling for work.
- The book is published!  I am overwhelmingly thankful for everyone's prayers and support during that process.  It was more than just writing a book.  This was personal and it was healing.  We have been through so very much.  Writing this allowed me to see all the blessings we missed during the struggles.  Praising God for giving me the courage!
Here is the link:

While I am not sure what God has in store for us for 2016, I pray we can continue to be patient in the process and obedient to His Directions.

One thing I do know - this blog will be moving!  We are working on an updated site ( that should be up early next year.  I am thankful for my friend who is helping me with the transition.  I look forward to getting back to weekly updates - and possibly adding video blogging (or v-logging) into the mix.  I will add another update when that is live.

Until then, from our family to yours - we wish you the most blessed Christmas and a happy & healthy 2016!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Book is done - An Everyday Miracle!

Hallelujah & Amen!  I am so overwhelmingly thankful to be able to share that the book is at the publisher. 

Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me along the way. It was more difficult than I anticipated. I took time to process each part of the journey. Some were easier than others. So, while it was difficult, it was also healing. I know I still have some work to do to truly heal from all we have been through. I continue to pray for that. And, I know God will see me / us through this, too!

The book is titled, An Everday Miracle. I still hope it will be out before Christmas.  As soon as I know of a launch date, I will post it. 

In the book, you will see many of the posts written during the journey - but it is much more than that.  The book includes the rest of the story. It will have pictures that were not posted. It includes some of the scariest moments of our lives - the things I wasn't ready to post at the time.  It illustrates just how dependent I was on God for every breath. Praise Him!

As we get closer to launch, I will be moving this blog to my own personal website: A friend is helping me build it now. More to come on that soon, too!

Please know how thankful we are for each and every one of you!  

Heavenly Father,

I come to You in Thanksgiving today and always!  Thank you for providing me this outlet to process what we have been through and share the experience with others!  Thank you for giving me the courage to step out on faith to write this book. I do pray this book will glorify You!

Father - please continue to heal our hearts and minds. Please keep our focus on You. I know You have given each of us specific gifts to use for the benefit of Your Work. Please help us to see the work You have planned for us, and give us the courage to be obedient to that calling. 

In Jesus' Name,


Thursday, July 2, 2015

July 2nd - 4:13

To most people, today just seems like an ordinary day.

  • It's a Thursday - mid week - nothing special
  • It's near a holiday, but it's not the holiday
  • It's the 2nd day of the month - not the beginning or the end
  • It's not a pay-day
To us, today is a very special day for two reasons:
  • Today is 4 months & 13 days from the day Paul was admitted to the hospital
  • Today is 4 days before our 13 year wedding anniversary
And, you might recall, one of my favorite Bible verses is:

Philippians 4:13 (NKJV):
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Four months & 13 days ago, I had no idea what the next day would hold.  All I had was faith, and that was all I needed.  I cried out to God and prayed for Him to heal Paul.  Each day, I watched monitors and engaged a community through social media to please pray for the healing of my husband.  I asked everyone to please pray boldly, to believe that God could and would provide this miracle.  

Four months & 13 days ago, I had to rely on that verse because I couldn't breathe, I couldn't stand, I couldn't speak without the Strength of Christ.  He was there with me, with Paul, with all of us as we prayed for Paul's healing.  I can think of that verse in the opposite - I would not have been able to do anything without Christ who strengthened me throughout that journey.

Each day, God strengthened us by showing us something to keep us hopeful and prayerful.  Some might have missed it, but He helped us to see the improvements.  He had us focus on what we could see, while He did the work inside.  He guided the doctors and nurses to make the right decisions to allow Paul to continue to improve, to continue to heal.  He wove this beautiful tapestry of people, medicines, time and prayer in the healing of Paul.

Four months and 13 days later, Paul is here with us.  He is close to completely healed (possibly as close as he will be) and back in his rightful place as the head of our family.  What a miraculous 4 months & 13 days!  Praise God!

In four days, we will celebrate our 13 year anniversary.  We have so much very to celebrate, so very much to be thankful for, so very much to thank God for!  And, I will pray that we have many more anniversaries together!  If we have 4 more 13 year anniversaries (4x13), that will be our 65th!  Now, that's something to look forward to!


By Your Strength and Your Strength alone was I able to even breathe 4 months & 13 days ago.  You breathed for me.  You made me stand.  You gave me the strength to handle all that was in front of me, and provided the people here on Earth to help me through it.  I read a t-shirt this week that said it all:

God doesn't give us what we can handle.  God helps us handle what we are given.

Amen!  While I know You didn't make any of that happen, You did help us through it.  Praise You for all You did to make Paul's healing a reality!  What a true miracle!

I love You, I praise You, I thank You!

In Jesus' Name,


Paul: June 22nd Labs

Sorry for the delay in sending this.  We have had a great deal going on the last 2 weeks, lots of family and friends around.  Lots to do with my new adventure.  Lots to finish with the book.  Regardless, I am truly sorry for not keeping this community up to date on Paul's progress.

We received the lab results back on 6/25.  And...they are stable.  I know I keep putting my hopes of his kidneys being completely healed into those labs.  So, when they come back and are not perfect, I can get deflated.  

There should be NO deflated here.  NO sadness.  NO disappointment.

God has already moved mountains & parted seas in the healing of Paul.  He saved him from what most thought was certain death.  I sometimes joke with friends and say 

"God sneezed and Paul lived. That was how easy it was for Him.  Saving Paul was 
"An Everyday Miracle" that God provided."

That is the working title for the book - An Everyday Miracle.  And, Paul is living proof of the everyday miracles that God continues to provide for all of us to see that He is a Loving-God, a Living-God, an All-Powerful-God.  

So, Paul's labs aren't perfect.  That's okay, because Paul being here with us is perfect!  And, while I will still hope and pray for his kidneys to completely heal, where he is right now is perfect.  

And - thank you to all of you for your love, support, and prayers!  You are all a part of this healing.  I hope you have taken this miracle with you.  You witnessed it.  You saw it with your own eyes.  And, if God can do that, just imagine what He can do in your life...if you let Him.

Heavenly Father,

I am forever grateful for all the blessing You have provided in our lives.  While I can see so many, I also know that I miss so many.  So many things I take for granted that You have had a hand in making happen for our family, friends, and for me personally.

Father, I thank You for all the healing You have provided for Paul.  While I still pray for complete healing, I ask that You help me to be fully thankful for all You have done, and not put my wants / wishes / prayers ahead of Your will.  Please help me to always be thankful with what You have already done, and not focused on what is potentially yet to come.

You continue to allow us to witness Your Work, Your Everyday Miracles, so we can truly see that You are an Ever-Living God.  I pray You please help me finish the book in a way that honors You, and helps others to see You through Your healing of Paul.  Thank You for giving me the opportunity to share it!

In Jesus' Name,


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day One of the Best of My Life

Wow!  What a year it has been!  There truly aren't words to fully describe what all has happened - and as a writer, that says a lot!

But, here we are.  We have made it.  Paul has made it.  And June 16th was my last official day at Pfizer.

So, now what?  What am I going to do?  What are we going to do?  What's next?

I am happy to share that I have made several very clear decisions that I feel God has guided me to make at this time:

1 - I obviously decided not to stay with Pfizer is 6/16 was my last day.  It was a difficult decision as that was all I have known for the past 16+ years.  Pfizer took a chance on me when I was right out of college with very little experience, but a lot of potential.  They helped me to spread my wings, try new things, and grow both personally and professionally.  I have made so many great friends there, and I will forever be grateful for all of them!  All that said, I felt like it was time to go.  So, while I will no longer be working there, I know I will stay connected with the amazing people I have had the honor & pleasure to work with!

2 - I am nearly done with the book.  My hope was to finish it by the end of May, which is now the end of June.  I didn't realize just how tough it would be to put all of what happened into words.  It has been very helpful for me to deal with a lot of things I had been blocking.  I look forward to sharing that with everyone - hopefully by the end of the year.  I have decided to self-publish.  While I could have gone to a traditional publisher, I wanted at least this first copy to be my words, my experience, my voice.  We will see if it goes anywhere else.  Either way, I am just thankful for the time to write this out, to deal with the emotions of this year, and to hopefully share this journey with others that might benefit from the experience.

3 - I have also decided to not jump back into full-time Corporate America work right away.  I am hoping to take these next 6-9 months to learn, grow and develop myself.  I want to work on projects that are meaningful for individuals and organizations.  And, I truly feel like God has provided the path to make this happen.  So, next week, I will be signing papers to open an LLC, and I have a couple of projects already in the works.  While I don't know that this will be a forever job, I am happy that it is a "for now" opportunity.  

I am truly thankful for the time I have had to spend with Paul and the itty-bittys.  I love our family, and am so grateful for each day we get to spend together.  After everything we have been through, we are truly aware that tomorrow is not guaranteed.  Praising God for allowing us this great quality time together - and for keeping us focused on each other.  We didn't just jump back into old routines, we are creating new ones - more together ones, more loving ones, more thankful ones.

All of this reminds me of a song by Matthew West - Day One:

I am starting over.  We are starting over as a family.  We are keeping the good and adjusting the not so good.  We are so very thankful for each moment we get to have together.  And, we are excited about the future plans God has for each of us individually and as a family.

Heavenly Father,

My heart and soul are overflowing with thankfulness for all You have provided!  You have provided so many miracles in the healing of Paul, in the healing of me, and keeping us focused on You and Your promises.  

Jeremiah 29:11 (GNB) - I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.

Father, I pray that You help keep us focused on Your plans for us - individually and as a family.  And, when the world tells us we should be doing something different, help us to stay in complete connection with You, Your will, Your plan and Your timing.  You have saved us and kept us together for a reason.  We know You have a plan.  And I look forward to seeing what You have in store for us!

In Jesus' Name,


Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29th Update

Thank you all for your prayers & support these 3 1/2 months.  It is hard to believe that it has been that long - and hard to believe that it has only been that long.  Please know that we couldn't have done any of this without each one of you!

Here is the update on Paul:
Kidneys - we were so thankful to get the lab report in early May seeing the progression of Paul's kidneys.  They were moving in the right direction and we had one of the three labs finally in the normal range.  With that in mind, we were prayerful that the labs Paul had done on Tuesday would show he was back in the normal range in either two - or all three labs.  

When we received the lab report yesterday, that was not the case.  While we haven't seen a dramatic slide, we also didn't see any improvement.  Here are the detail:
Creatnine - up slightly from 1.8 to 1.83 (normal is 0.8-1.5)
GFR - down slightly from 46 to 45 (normal is >60)
BUN - up slightly from 24 to 27 (normal is 8-26)

While one lab test does not make a trend, it does help us to realize that Paul's kidneys are not fully healed and he needs to continue to watch his diet and exercise.  This will help his kidneys not need to work so hard and allow them more time to heal.  His next lab draw is June 22nd.  Please keep praying for complete healing of his kidneys.

I also thank you all of your prayers for me.  I received my labs back on Wednesday, and my tests were all clear.  I will need to go back every 6 months for 3 years before I will be truly considered cured. Just so very thankful for that positive news!

We truly thank you for your prayers & support.  Please know how much we love you & appreciate everything!