Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Paul: 4/22 Update

We have been patiently (or not so patiently) awaiting the results from Paul​'s lab draw on Monday and praying for more positive improvements in his labs.  Praising God for the results we just received!!!

Creatnine - down to 2.19 from 2.4 last week!  Hallelujah!  The normal range is 0.8-1.5, so he still has a little way to go.  That said, this is significant improvement from the 12 & 13 we were seeing at the hospital!!!

BUN - This is also moving in the right direction.  It was 33 this week, down from 36 the last two weeks.  Normal again is 8-26.  We are definitely getting there!

GFR - His GFR is 36, up from 33 last week.  The goal here would be above 60, but he was in the single digits in the hospital.

Diet numbers - all still in the normal range.  And when I say that Paul has been stretching the limits of the renal diet, that is definitely an understatement.  Praise God!!!

Physical Strength - while I give Paul a little grief for his diet, he is really doing a great job.  He is in Physical Therapy twice each week and is walking other days.  He even made it to basketball on Monday night!  While his jumper isn't what it used to be, he will get that back.  And, he is working on his golf swing to be in shape for the Berger Open.  Watch out boys!

Weight - I am not sure where he is looking to land on his weight.  He was 255 in January when he started a diet challenge with his friends.  He was around 235 when he went into the hospital.  Today, he is 202 - a much healthier 202. Amen!!!

Me - I thought I would just add this in here, because it seems to fit.  I have been praying about my next steps - what God's plan is for my journey.  What I continue to receive is that I am suppose to write this story - God's story.  So, I decided to write a book.  I am not sure what God has planned for that book - maybe it's just for us or maybe it's meant for more.  I'm not going to worry about any of that right now.  Right now, I just want to focus on writing this story.  It is truly hard to believe it hasn't even been 9 weeks!

Please know how much we truly love you all and are so very grateful for each & every one of you!   Your prayers, love & support helped us to stay strong throughout this journey.

Heavenly Father,

We praise Your Glorious Name for ALL the miracles You provided in the healing of Paul.  You made sure all the right decisions were made so that we could prove You are the ultimate healer!  Paul is living proof that You continue to provide miracles on Earth!  

Please know how much we love You, we thank You, we praise You!  

In Jesus' Name - AMEN!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Me... What's Next??

Thank you all so very much for your prayers & support for Paul.  He is getting better each day, and we praise God for the miracles He has provided.  We just learned that Paul's dialysis port will be removed this Friday - Hallelujah!!!

I also appreciate the prayers & concern regarding what's next for me on the job front.  With everything going on with Paul, I haven't taken much time to think about my future.  I know I have had the time to think about it, but I haven't taken the time to think about it.  I have been avoiding it.

Now that Paul is getting better, I need to take the time to think about my future - and that is truly frightening!

For 16+ years, all I have known is Pfizer.  I have had eight different positions in that time, and have had the opportunity to do really great work with amazing people.  My last two positions were roles that were "pinnacle roles" for me - ones that I thought I might be doing near the end of my career - not in the middle of it.

So, now what?
 - Do I stay at Pfizer?
 - Do I work somewhere else in healthcare?
 - Do I work somewhere else in another industry?
 - Do I work for a big company, small company?
 - Do I start my own company?
 - Do I write a book about all of this?

The irony is, I recently moderated a program on "Making the Most of Your Development Plan."  Not only did I moderate this program, but this is the first program in a series titled "Owning Your Own Development" that I worked with our HBA-IN Directors of Programming to create.

Now, here I sit, needing to put together my very own development plan.  I need to take the time to identify where I want to go next.  More importantly, what are God's plans for my next steps?

I was thinking about a post I wrote on January 30th titled "2015 - The Year of Growth".  I wrote this while at a Christian Women's Breakfast called - the Soul Spa Sisterhood (the next one is coming up in May!).  The point of this post was my desire to spend this year focusing my eyes on where God wants me to be.  Where is He guiding my life?   While I don't think God made all of this happen, I do fully believe He will use all of this to grow & strengthen us in preparation for His great plan.  And, His plan is greater than I could ever imagine!!

Ephesians 3:20 (GNB):
To him who by means of his power working in us is able to do so much more than we can ever ask for, or even think of

Jeremiah 29:11 (GNB):
I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for

So, I will take these next few weeks to pray, to seek God's guidance and make some decisions.  I am truly thankful that I have the time to do this.  

I also offered to continue to work at Pfizer the next 8 weeks to help move the projects we were planning for 2015 forward. While I don't have to do it, I want to set the projects up for success as I truly believe in the work we were doing. 

As my next step become clearer, I will definitely share.  Until then, thank you all so very much for your prayers & support!!!  XOXOX

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Paul: 4/14 Update

UPDATE:  Praise the Lord!!!  They will be removing Paul​'s dialysis port as soon as we can get it scheduled!!!

Paul had his labs drawn yesterday - here are some quick numbers:
Creatnine - down to 2.4 from 2.6 with only one day of dialysis which was last week Monday
GFR is up to 33 which is still really low, but it was 8 at the hospital.
All other diet numbers were looking good - still high side of normal, but that means his kidneys have to be working better because he has been pressing the boundaries of his diet!

We received the information from the doctor's office via e-mail with a note that the doctor wants to schedule a time to pull the port soon!  Hallelujah!  We sent them some dates and will hopefully get that scheduled within the next week.

Strength - Paul is continuing his PT and is getting stronger each day.  And, he is currently kicking my butt in steps (I think that says more about my laziness than his activity...well, maybe a little bit of both).  Paul was also excited to talk with his PT today about getting back onto the golf course.  He ended his PT session today with working on the golf swing motion :).

We truly want to thank everyone for all of your prayers & support for Paul and our family!  It hasn't been an easy few months, but God is always good and you have all been amazing!  We are truly blessed to have such great family & friends!

Amen!  Amen!  Hallelujah & Amen!!!

Friday, April 10, 2015

#22 - Pfizer, My Next 6 Years...

I am truly thankful for the many who helped in my next 5 years at Pfizer.

Keith O'Briant - thank you for taking a chance on me and hiring me to come back to the Chicago area!  I was again so very nervous in the interview.  You saw through that nervousness and were able to calm me down a bit.  You also helped me to calm my nerves through all additional interviews (well, at least a little bit :)).  I wish we could have worked together longer.

Amy Jenner - you were there at my first meeting as our VP.  You showed me how important it is to be yourself, your whole self, when you lead.  You are smart, strong and confident.  You showed the importance of both business and people.  I have truly appreciated the opportunities we have had to stay in touch.

All of the members of our first district - thank you for helping me to learn the best lessons of leading people.  You all taught me so very much about what it takes to be a true leader.  While we weren't together long, please know how very much I learned from you!

Rob Lyons - you were the first manager I didn't interview with for a job.  You "inherited" me from the realignment.  This was a very new experience for me, but you welcomed me with open arms.  I always felt like you chose me for your team.  I also learned a great deal from you, especially as a new leader.  You also showed me the importance of personal leadership.  You ensured I had the skills needed to lead, and then you started to push me to take on new opportunities.  You believed in me before I knew to believe in myself.  I am truly grateful for our continued friendship!

Michelle Keefe - you had more of an impact on my career than I think you will ever know.  I loved watching you on stage - so polished and intelligent, and also willing to share when you didn't know the answer (which wasn't often).  One-on-one, you were kind and personal.  You would share information about your life that helped me to understand some of the challenges of being a working mom.  The biggest impact was learning from others about your belief in my ability.  You gave me opportunities to take on assignments and help the organization through challenging times.  I truly thank you!

All of the district members throughout those additional 5 years, thank you!  We learned a great deal together and had lots of fun.  We celebrated many life events together and were there for each other during the difficult times.  You each mean so very much to me, and I cannot thank you enough for your friendship!

To all the leadership team members - thank you!  I learned so very much from each of you and started many life-long friendships!

Tess Christensen - I would like to specifically say thank you to you!!!  I don't tell you often enough how much you mean to me and have meant to me both personally and professionally.  You are always there to listen, to share, to give advice, to offer a different perspective, to celebrate successes, and provide a shoulder when needed.  We have been through a lot together the past 10 years.  I hope you know how much you mean to me!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Paul: 4/7 Report - Off Dialysis!!!!

Amen!  Amen!  Hallelujah & Amen!

We just received the call from the dialysis center and Paul​'s labs have improved enough to stop dialysis!!!!  Praise God!!!!!

He will need to get his labs taken the next two Mondays and see the nephrologist (kidney doctor) on 4/24.  Until then, he will remain on the renal diet and continue with the doctor orders - but HE IS OFF DIALYSIS!!!

Quick set of numbers:
 - Creatnine - down to 2.6
 - Diet Labs - all still high side of normal (surprising due to the Easter meal - Yum!)
 - White Blood Cells - back up in the normal range (they were down last week, so happy to see this improvement)

We cannot thank everyone enough for your prayers, love & support!!  When this all started, no one knew what the outcome would be:
 - Would Paul wake up?
 - If so, would there be permanent damage?
 - And, how long would it take to get back to a "new normal"?
 - How would this impact our kids?
 - What would life be like?
 - And, so many more questions...

What is so amazing about God is that He kept our focus on the positives, the improvements, the next blessing.  He didn't allow us to focus on the negatives.  He didn't give us time for that - Praise Him!!!

We will post updates as we learn more.  In the meantime, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!  You have all prayed and seen God, our living-God, provide miracles in the healing of Paul!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Paul: 4/3-4/6 Report

What a glorious weekend!  After dialysis on Friday, we were able to make it up to NW IN to spend the Easter weekend with Paul​'s family (we are spending next weekend with my family down here in Indy for Easter - we are truly blessed)!

Today, Paul went to dialysis and talked with the doctor.  After he took his labs, he told Paul that they will look at the lab results on Wednesday.  If the numbers are still trending down, they will stop the dialysis and Paul will not need to come in on Wednesday.

The protocol is to continue with weekly labs for a couple of weeks to ensure the numbers continue to improve before removing the port.  The good news is that we are getting so much closer.  Truly - we cannot thank everyone enough for all of your prayers & support!!

We are blessed to have a busy few days while waiting for the lab results.
- Paulie has RE tonight (that used to be called CCD, now its RE - Religious Education.  I have also heard it called REPS - religious education for public school kids)
- Paul has PT on Tuesday (& Thursday)
- Paulie has baseball practice on Tuesday & Thursday - weather permitting.  He has pictures on Saturday & his first game on Sunday
- My family is coming in town, so that means washing sheets, cleaning bathrooms & going grocery shopping

We are so amazingly blessed!

I wanted to share today's Jesus Calling message:  April 6

BRING ME THE SACRIFICE of thanksgiving. Take nothing for granted, not even the rising of the sun. Before Satan tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, thankfulness was as natural as breathing. Satan’s temptation involved pointing Eve to the one thing that was forbidden her. The Garden was filled with luscious, desirable fruits, but Eve focused on the one fruit she couldn’t have rather than being thankful for the many good things freely available. This negative focus darkened her mind, and she succumbed to temptation.
When you focus on what you don’t have or on situations that displease you, your mind also becomes darkened. You take for granted life, salvation, sunshine, flowers, and countless other gifts from Me. You look for what is wrong and refuse to enjoy life until that is “fixed.”
When you approach Me with thanksgiving, the Light of My Presence pours into you, transforming you through and through. Walk in the Light with Me by practicing the discipline of thanksgiving.
I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD.
PSALM 116:17 NKJV”

Excerpt From:
Sarah Young. “Jesus Calling.” iBooks.

We will keep our eyes on the blessings.  We have so very many blessings to be thankful for!  Praising God for His Amazing Grace!

Here is one of my favorite PJ Anderson​ songs - Your Grace is Amazing -

#21 - Pfizer My First 5 Years...

Let's just start by thanking Dick Fetter & Dan McQuiston again for their help in my getting my first job with Pfizer.

I am thankful to Daren Sink & Bruce Fleischmann for taking a chance on a young 22 year old, right out of college, with little experience and lots of energy!  Words cannot express my deepest gratitude as I could always see your faith and belief in me!  Please know I always give you credit for taking that chance on me and I still want to make you proud of that decision.

I am thankful for Clark Mohar & Kevin Malone for your willingness to take a chance on a still very young 24 year old with lots of energy!   It was during those years that I started to transition others belief in me into a faith in myself.  Kevin - you also helped me to understand the importance of separating the person from the title.  That has helped me a great deal through the years!

I am thankful for Dennis Green & Jake Friedman for your willingness to take a chance on a very nervous 26 year old.  Dennis - That was truly a pivotal time in my career as that started my passion for training & development.  I was also able to truly connect with the many new faces of Pfizer.  I will forever be grateful for that opportunity.  You encouraged me to take on new opportunities, and supported me through the successes and the challenges.
Jake - I thank you for teaching me the importance of having a sponsor (even if you don't know you have one).  You also had such a positive impact on me with your desire to connect with each person, individually.  I have made many great friends throughout the years trying to follow in your footsteps - and will forever be grateful to you for that example!

I am thankful for our Directors of Leadership Development - Michelle Gile, Jenner Marcucci & Mike Edge!   What I have come to realize is how important the skills you taught us are - and how many people did not have the fortune of working with great trainers like yourselves to gain those skills!  I am a better leader today because of the trainings and the coaching you provided!

I am also thankful for the many people I worked with during these years!  While there are too many to mention by name, please know how grateful I am for your friendship!

#20 - Butler & Alpha Phi (AMAZING WOMEN)

Butler Friends - I am truly grateful that I chose Butler (or Butler chose me).  I am so very thankful for all of the friendships that started at Butler and continuing through the years.  Again, I am so very thankful for FaceBook and LinkedIn to help us stay connected!

Alpha Phi Sisters - I am truly grateful that Alpha Phi chose me!  I have seen our Alpha Phi family come together so many times during the years when a sister needed help / support.  We may not live right next door, but we are always close at heart!  I love you all so very much, and will forever be thankful for each and every one of you!  Many thanks for my bordeaux blanket, book and bracelet - plus the notes, cards, gift cards and many, many prayers!

Alpha Phi Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) - I have had the privilege to spend time with many Alpha Phi collegians and alumnae through the years at ELI, and was honored to spend a week last Summer with 50 collegians and 8 alumnae who put on the program.  I am so very grateful for that week!  The women were all amazing (not surprising - they are all Alpha Phis!) and I was able to reconnect with the vision & values of our fraternity.  Truly an honor I will forever be grateful for - and will look to do again soon!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Paul: 3/31-4/2 Report

Paul has had a really good couple of days!
Tuesday - Paul went to PT and really likes the PT. He was really weak on his left side. The PT was able to shift his hips and Paul felt a little stronger. While he is still weaker than he would like to be, he was impressed by what the PT was able to do!
Wednesday - Paul had dialysis and received his labs. We were very excited to see more improvement - Praising God!!!!
Creatnine down from 4.9 to 3.5! Of course Paul was hoping for it to be below 2, but we were very excited to again see a decreasing number! Normal is 0.6-1.3, so we have a little way to go - but moving in the right direction. 
His BUN was also down from 45 to 33! Again, normal is 6-19, but moving in the right direction - Hallelujah!!!
All of his numbers relating to his diet (sodium, potassium, phosphorus) all in the normal range. Still on the high side of normal, but with the great food we have been getting - it is definitely understandable. Truly - thank you all for all you have done for our family! We are so very grateful!
Today - we had a very busy day. 
Paul had PT again today and continues to get stronger.
We were blessed to attend Holy Thursday mass where Paul walked up the Oil of the Sick. We were so thankful he was feeling well enough to participate in the mass. And, Paul & the kiddos looked so very cute! We will be in the same outfits for Easter Sunday mass, so we will take pictures & post then smile emoticon.
We hope you all have a wonderful & blessed Easter season! And, if you haven't read my last post, please take a look. We have started a ‪#‎PH413‬challenge - doing 13 Random Acts of Kindness in 4 days and Sharing the Challenge with 13 other people - based on the Philippians 4:13 verse:
I can do all things, through Christ who gives me strength. 
Many blessings to you & yours!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015



I will send an update later today with Paul​'s lab results and any updates from the doctors.  I would like to use this post for a different purpose.

We have only 4 "sleeps" until Easter (at least that is how we count it here). 
One of my favorite Bible verses is Philippians 4:13:
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"

So, how about a Holy Week Challenge?
 - Do 13 Random Acts of Kindness in the next 4 Days
 - Share this post with 13 People
 - Add #PH413

God has been so very good to us and all of you have helped with your prayers in the process.  Let's use the next four days to truly exercise our "Religious Freedom" and show the Love of Jesus to others.