Monday, April 6, 2015

#20 - Butler & Alpha Phi (AMAZING WOMEN)

Butler Friends - I am truly grateful that I chose Butler (or Butler chose me).  I am so very thankful for all of the friendships that started at Butler and continuing through the years.  Again, I am so very thankful for FaceBook and LinkedIn to help us stay connected!

Alpha Phi Sisters - I am truly grateful that Alpha Phi chose me!  I have seen our Alpha Phi family come together so many times during the years when a sister needed help / support.  We may not live right next door, but we are always close at heart!  I love you all so very much, and will forever be thankful for each and every one of you!  Many thanks for my bordeaux blanket, book and bracelet - plus the notes, cards, gift cards and many, many prayers!

Alpha Phi Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) - I have had the privilege to spend time with many Alpha Phi collegians and alumnae through the years at ELI, and was honored to spend a week last Summer with 50 collegians and 8 alumnae who put on the program.  I am so very grateful for that week!  The women were all amazing (not surprising - they are all Alpha Phis!) and I was able to reconnect with the vision & values of our fraternity.  Truly an honor I will forever be grateful for - and will look to do again soon!

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