Thursday, April 2, 2015

Paul: 3/31-4/2 Report

Paul has had a really good couple of days!
Tuesday - Paul went to PT and really likes the PT. He was really weak on his left side. The PT was able to shift his hips and Paul felt a little stronger. While he is still weaker than he would like to be, he was impressed by what the PT was able to do!
Wednesday - Paul had dialysis and received his labs. We were very excited to see more improvement - Praising God!!!!
Creatnine down from 4.9 to 3.5! Of course Paul was hoping for it to be below 2, but we were very excited to again see a decreasing number! Normal is 0.6-1.3, so we have a little way to go - but moving in the right direction. 
His BUN was also down from 45 to 33! Again, normal is 6-19, but moving in the right direction - Hallelujah!!!
All of his numbers relating to his diet (sodium, potassium, phosphorus) all in the normal range. Still on the high side of normal, but with the great food we have been getting - it is definitely understandable. Truly - thank you all for all you have done for our family! We are so very grateful!
Today - we had a very busy day. 
Paul had PT again today and continues to get stronger.
We were blessed to attend Holy Thursday mass where Paul walked up the Oil of the Sick. We were so thankful he was feeling well enough to participate in the mass. And, Paul & the kiddos looked so very cute! We will be in the same outfits for Easter Sunday mass, so we will take pictures & post then smile emoticon.
We hope you all have a wonderful & blessed Easter season! And, if you haven't read my last post, please take a look. We have started a ‪#‎PH413‬challenge - doing 13 Random Acts of Kindness in 4 days and Sharing the Challenge with 13 other people - based on the Philippians 4:13 verse:
I can do all things, through Christ who gives me strength. 
Many blessings to you & yours!

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