Friday, April 10, 2015

#22 - Pfizer, My Next 6 Years...

I am truly thankful for the many who helped in my next 5 years at Pfizer.

Keith O'Briant - thank you for taking a chance on me and hiring me to come back to the Chicago area!  I was again so very nervous in the interview.  You saw through that nervousness and were able to calm me down a bit.  You also helped me to calm my nerves through all additional interviews (well, at least a little bit :)).  I wish we could have worked together longer.

Amy Jenner - you were there at my first meeting as our VP.  You showed me how important it is to be yourself, your whole self, when you lead.  You are smart, strong and confident.  You showed the importance of both business and people.  I have truly appreciated the opportunities we have had to stay in touch.

All of the members of our first district - thank you for helping me to learn the best lessons of leading people.  You all taught me so very much about what it takes to be a true leader.  While we weren't together long, please know how very much I learned from you!

Rob Lyons - you were the first manager I didn't interview with for a job.  You "inherited" me from the realignment.  This was a very new experience for me, but you welcomed me with open arms.  I always felt like you chose me for your team.  I also learned a great deal from you, especially as a new leader.  You also showed me the importance of personal leadership.  You ensured I had the skills needed to lead, and then you started to push me to take on new opportunities.  You believed in me before I knew to believe in myself.  I am truly grateful for our continued friendship!

Michelle Keefe - you had more of an impact on my career than I think you will ever know.  I loved watching you on stage - so polished and intelligent, and also willing to share when you didn't know the answer (which wasn't often).  One-on-one, you were kind and personal.  You would share information about your life that helped me to understand some of the challenges of being a working mom.  The biggest impact was learning from others about your belief in my ability.  You gave me opportunities to take on assignments and help the organization through challenging times.  I truly thank you!

All of the district members throughout those additional 5 years, thank you!  We learned a great deal together and had lots of fun.  We celebrated many life events together and were there for each other during the difficult times.  You each mean so very much to me, and I cannot thank you enough for your friendship!

To all the leadership team members - thank you!  I learned so very much from each of you and started many life-long friendships!

Tess Christensen - I would like to specifically say thank you to you!!!  I don't tell you often enough how much you mean to me and have meant to me both personally and professionally.  You are always there to listen, to share, to give advice, to offer a different perspective, to celebrate successes, and provide a shoulder when needed.  We have been through a lot together the past 10 years.  I hope you know how much you mean to me!

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