Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Me... What's Next??

Thank you all so very much for your prayers & support for Paul.  He is getting better each day, and we praise God for the miracles He has provided.  We just learned that Paul's dialysis port will be removed this Friday - Hallelujah!!!

I also appreciate the prayers & concern regarding what's next for me on the job front.  With everything going on with Paul, I haven't taken much time to think about my future.  I know I have had the time to think about it, but I haven't taken the time to think about it.  I have been avoiding it.

Now that Paul is getting better, I need to take the time to think about my future - and that is truly frightening!

For 16+ years, all I have known is Pfizer.  I have had eight different positions in that time, and have had the opportunity to do really great work with amazing people.  My last two positions were roles that were "pinnacle roles" for me - ones that I thought I might be doing near the end of my career - not in the middle of it.

So, now what?
 - Do I stay at Pfizer?
 - Do I work somewhere else in healthcare?
 - Do I work somewhere else in another industry?
 - Do I work for a big company, small company?
 - Do I start my own company?
 - Do I write a book about all of this?

The irony is, I recently moderated a program on "Making the Most of Your Development Plan."  Not only did I moderate this program, but this is the first program in a series titled "Owning Your Own Development" that I worked with our HBA-IN Directors of Programming to create.

Now, here I sit, needing to put together my very own development plan.  I need to take the time to identify where I want to go next.  More importantly, what are God's plans for my next steps?

I was thinking about a post I wrote on January 30th titled "2015 - The Year of Growth".  I wrote this while at a Christian Women's Breakfast called - the Soul Spa Sisterhood (the next one is coming up in May!).  The point of this post was my desire to spend this year focusing my eyes on where God wants me to be.  Where is He guiding my life?   While I don't think God made all of this happen, I do fully believe He will use all of this to grow & strengthen us in preparation for His great plan.  And, His plan is greater than I could ever imagine!!

Ephesians 3:20 (GNB):
To him who by means of his power working in us is able to do so much more than we can ever ask for, or even think of

Jeremiah 29:11 (GNB):
I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for

So, I will take these next few weeks to pray, to seek God's guidance and make some decisions.  I am truly thankful that I have the time to do this.  

I also offered to continue to work at Pfizer the next 8 weeks to help move the projects we were planning for 2015 forward. While I don't have to do it, I want to set the projects up for success as I truly believe in the work we were doing. 

As my next step become clearer, I will definitely share.  Until then, thank you all so very much for your prayers & support!!!  XOXOX

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