Monday, December 21, 2015

An Everyday Miracle is Published!

I am so very thankful for each and every one of you who have been with us on this journey.  You have logged in, you have read the updates, and you have prayed.  And, we asked you to pray for so many things this year.  Please know how much we appreciate your prayers & support!

God has provided so very much this year:
- Paul is stable.  His kidneys found their new normal.  While it isn't complete healing, it is good enough for all of us.  He will remain in Stage 3 chronic kidney disease.  That said, he will manage it with diet, exercise, and a low does ACE-inhibitor.  Praise Jesus!
- I continue to be cancer-free!  I will go back for my next visit in early January, but for now, there is much to celebrate there!
- The children are all doing well in school and sports (and Sarah looking forward to school next year).  They are thankful that we have had the past several months together as a family - with no one sick and no one traveling for work.
- The book is published!  I am overwhelmingly thankful for everyone's prayers and support during that process.  It was more than just writing a book.  This was personal and it was healing.  We have been through so very much.  Writing this allowed me to see all the blessings we missed during the struggles.  Praising God for giving me the courage!
Here is the link:

While I am not sure what God has in store for us for 2016, I pray we can continue to be patient in the process and obedient to His Directions.

One thing I do know - this blog will be moving!  We are working on an updated site ( that should be up early next year.  I am thankful for my friend who is helping me with the transition.  I look forward to getting back to weekly updates - and possibly adding video blogging (or v-logging) into the mix.  I will add another update when that is live.

Until then, from our family to yours - we wish you the most blessed Christmas and a happy & healthy 2016!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Book is done - An Everyday Miracle!

Hallelujah & Amen!  I am so overwhelmingly thankful to be able to share that the book is at the publisher. 

Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me along the way. It was more difficult than I anticipated. I took time to process each part of the journey. Some were easier than others. So, while it was difficult, it was also healing. I know I still have some work to do to truly heal from all we have been through. I continue to pray for that. And, I know God will see me / us through this, too!

The book is titled, An Everday Miracle. I still hope it will be out before Christmas.  As soon as I know of a launch date, I will post it. 

In the book, you will see many of the posts written during the journey - but it is much more than that.  The book includes the rest of the story. It will have pictures that were not posted. It includes some of the scariest moments of our lives - the things I wasn't ready to post at the time.  It illustrates just how dependent I was on God for every breath. Praise Him!

As we get closer to launch, I will be moving this blog to my own personal website: A friend is helping me build it now. More to come on that soon, too!

Please know how thankful we are for each and every one of you!  

Heavenly Father,

I come to You in Thanksgiving today and always!  Thank you for providing me this outlet to process what we have been through and share the experience with others!  Thank you for giving me the courage to step out on faith to write this book. I do pray this book will glorify You!

Father - please continue to heal our hearts and minds. Please keep our focus on You. I know You have given each of us specific gifts to use for the benefit of Your Work. Please help us to see the work You have planned for us, and give us the courage to be obedient to that calling. 

In Jesus' Name,


Thursday, July 2, 2015

July 2nd - 4:13

To most people, today just seems like an ordinary day.

  • It's a Thursday - mid week - nothing special
  • It's near a holiday, but it's not the holiday
  • It's the 2nd day of the month - not the beginning or the end
  • It's not a pay-day
To us, today is a very special day for two reasons:
  • Today is 4 months & 13 days from the day Paul was admitted to the hospital
  • Today is 4 days before our 13 year wedding anniversary
And, you might recall, one of my favorite Bible verses is:

Philippians 4:13 (NKJV):
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Four months & 13 days ago, I had no idea what the next day would hold.  All I had was faith, and that was all I needed.  I cried out to God and prayed for Him to heal Paul.  Each day, I watched monitors and engaged a community through social media to please pray for the healing of my husband.  I asked everyone to please pray boldly, to believe that God could and would provide this miracle.  

Four months & 13 days ago, I had to rely on that verse because I couldn't breathe, I couldn't stand, I couldn't speak without the Strength of Christ.  He was there with me, with Paul, with all of us as we prayed for Paul's healing.  I can think of that verse in the opposite - I would not have been able to do anything without Christ who strengthened me throughout that journey.

Each day, God strengthened us by showing us something to keep us hopeful and prayerful.  Some might have missed it, but He helped us to see the improvements.  He had us focus on what we could see, while He did the work inside.  He guided the doctors and nurses to make the right decisions to allow Paul to continue to improve, to continue to heal.  He wove this beautiful tapestry of people, medicines, time and prayer in the healing of Paul.

Four months and 13 days later, Paul is here with us.  He is close to completely healed (possibly as close as he will be) and back in his rightful place as the head of our family.  What a miraculous 4 months & 13 days!  Praise God!

In four days, we will celebrate our 13 year anniversary.  We have so much very to celebrate, so very much to be thankful for, so very much to thank God for!  And, I will pray that we have many more anniversaries together!  If we have 4 more 13 year anniversaries (4x13), that will be our 65th!  Now, that's something to look forward to!


By Your Strength and Your Strength alone was I able to even breathe 4 months & 13 days ago.  You breathed for me.  You made me stand.  You gave me the strength to handle all that was in front of me, and provided the people here on Earth to help me through it.  I read a t-shirt this week that said it all:

God doesn't give us what we can handle.  God helps us handle what we are given.

Amen!  While I know You didn't make any of that happen, You did help us through it.  Praise You for all You did to make Paul's healing a reality!  What a true miracle!

I love You, I praise You, I thank You!

In Jesus' Name,


Paul: June 22nd Labs

Sorry for the delay in sending this.  We have had a great deal going on the last 2 weeks, lots of family and friends around.  Lots to do with my new adventure.  Lots to finish with the book.  Regardless, I am truly sorry for not keeping this community up to date on Paul's progress.

We received the lab results back on 6/25.  And...they are stable.  I know I keep putting my hopes of his kidneys being completely healed into those labs.  So, when they come back and are not perfect, I can get deflated.  

There should be NO deflated here.  NO sadness.  NO disappointment.

God has already moved mountains & parted seas in the healing of Paul.  He saved him from what most thought was certain death.  I sometimes joke with friends and say 

"God sneezed and Paul lived. That was how easy it was for Him.  Saving Paul was 
"An Everyday Miracle" that God provided."

That is the working title for the book - An Everyday Miracle.  And, Paul is living proof of the everyday miracles that God continues to provide for all of us to see that He is a Loving-God, a Living-God, an All-Powerful-God.  

So, Paul's labs aren't perfect.  That's okay, because Paul being here with us is perfect!  And, while I will still hope and pray for his kidneys to completely heal, where he is right now is perfect.  

And - thank you to all of you for your love, support, and prayers!  You are all a part of this healing.  I hope you have taken this miracle with you.  You witnessed it.  You saw it with your own eyes.  And, if God can do that, just imagine what He can do in your life...if you let Him.

Heavenly Father,

I am forever grateful for all the blessing You have provided in our lives.  While I can see so many, I also know that I miss so many.  So many things I take for granted that You have had a hand in making happen for our family, friends, and for me personally.

Father, I thank You for all the healing You have provided for Paul.  While I still pray for complete healing, I ask that You help me to be fully thankful for all You have done, and not put my wants / wishes / prayers ahead of Your will.  Please help me to always be thankful with what You have already done, and not focused on what is potentially yet to come.

You continue to allow us to witness Your Work, Your Everyday Miracles, so we can truly see that You are an Ever-Living God.  I pray You please help me finish the book in a way that honors You, and helps others to see You through Your healing of Paul.  Thank You for giving me the opportunity to share it!

In Jesus' Name,


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day One of the Best of My Life

Wow!  What a year it has been!  There truly aren't words to fully describe what all has happened - and as a writer, that says a lot!

But, here we are.  We have made it.  Paul has made it.  And June 16th was my last official day at Pfizer.

So, now what?  What am I going to do?  What are we going to do?  What's next?

I am happy to share that I have made several very clear decisions that I feel God has guided me to make at this time:

1 - I obviously decided not to stay with Pfizer is 6/16 was my last day.  It was a difficult decision as that was all I have known for the past 16+ years.  Pfizer took a chance on me when I was right out of college with very little experience, but a lot of potential.  They helped me to spread my wings, try new things, and grow both personally and professionally.  I have made so many great friends there, and I will forever be grateful for all of them!  All that said, I felt like it was time to go.  So, while I will no longer be working there, I know I will stay connected with the amazing people I have had the honor & pleasure to work with!

2 - I am nearly done with the book.  My hope was to finish it by the end of May, which is now the end of June.  I didn't realize just how tough it would be to put all of what happened into words.  It has been very helpful for me to deal with a lot of things I had been blocking.  I look forward to sharing that with everyone - hopefully by the end of the year.  I have decided to self-publish.  While I could have gone to a traditional publisher, I wanted at least this first copy to be my words, my experience, my voice.  We will see if it goes anywhere else.  Either way, I am just thankful for the time to write this out, to deal with the emotions of this year, and to hopefully share this journey with others that might benefit from the experience.

3 - I have also decided to not jump back into full-time Corporate America work right away.  I am hoping to take these next 6-9 months to learn, grow and develop myself.  I want to work on projects that are meaningful for individuals and organizations.  And, I truly feel like God has provided the path to make this happen.  So, next week, I will be signing papers to open an LLC, and I have a couple of projects already in the works.  While I don't know that this will be a forever job, I am happy that it is a "for now" opportunity.  

I am truly thankful for the time I have had to spend with Paul and the itty-bittys.  I love our family, and am so grateful for each day we get to spend together.  After everything we have been through, we are truly aware that tomorrow is not guaranteed.  Praising God for allowing us this great quality time together - and for keeping us focused on each other.  We didn't just jump back into old routines, we are creating new ones - more together ones, more loving ones, more thankful ones.

All of this reminds me of a song by Matthew West - Day One:

I am starting over.  We are starting over as a family.  We are keeping the good and adjusting the not so good.  We are so very thankful for each moment we get to have together.  And, we are excited about the future plans God has for each of us individually and as a family.

Heavenly Father,

My heart and soul are overflowing with thankfulness for all You have provided!  You have provided so many miracles in the healing of Paul, in the healing of me, and keeping us focused on You and Your promises.  

Jeremiah 29:11 (GNB) - I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.

Father, I pray that You help keep us focused on Your plans for us - individually and as a family.  And, when the world tells us we should be doing something different, help us to stay in complete connection with You, Your will, Your plan and Your timing.  You have saved us and kept us together for a reason.  We know You have a plan.  And I look forward to seeing what You have in store for us!

In Jesus' Name,


Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29th Update

Thank you all for your prayers & support these 3 1/2 months.  It is hard to believe that it has been that long - and hard to believe that it has only been that long.  Please know that we couldn't have done any of this without each one of you!

Here is the update on Paul:
Kidneys - we were so thankful to get the lab report in early May seeing the progression of Paul's kidneys.  They were moving in the right direction and we had one of the three labs finally in the normal range.  With that in mind, we were prayerful that the labs Paul had done on Tuesday would show he was back in the normal range in either two - or all three labs.  

When we received the lab report yesterday, that was not the case.  While we haven't seen a dramatic slide, we also didn't see any improvement.  Here are the detail:
Creatnine - up slightly from 1.8 to 1.83 (normal is 0.8-1.5)
GFR - down slightly from 46 to 45 (normal is >60)
BUN - up slightly from 24 to 27 (normal is 8-26)

While one lab test does not make a trend, it does help us to realize that Paul's kidneys are not fully healed and he needs to continue to watch his diet and exercise.  This will help his kidneys not need to work so hard and allow them more time to heal.  His next lab draw is June 22nd.  Please keep praying for complete healing of his kidneys.

I also thank you all of your prayers for me.  I received my labs back on Wednesday, and my tests were all clear.  I will need to go back every 6 months for 3 years before I will be truly considered cured. Just so very thankful for that positive news!

We truly thank you for your prayers & support.  Please know how much we love you & appreciate everything!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Soul Spa - Collecting God's Miracles!

I was honored today to be asked to speak at the 2nd Soul Spa Sisterhood Retreat, and to share God’s story of healing Paul.  What is so amazing about the opportunity is that the verse chosen for Soul Spa is:

Mark 6:31 (NIV):
“…Come with Me by yourself to a quiet place and get some rest.”

Right after that verse, Jesus performs the miracle of multiplication – feeding 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish.  But the miracle doesn’t stop there.  He then asks the disciples to collect the broken pieces – and those broken pieces fill 12 basketfuls! 

Here is how it connects – the disciples were collecting that miracle and taking that with them as a reminder of what had just happened.  And, I believe we are meant to collect the miracles in our lives – to see them, hold them, and share them with others. 

God’s healing of Paul is a miracle!  There are no other words to describe what God did.  It is a miracle.  And, I just feel so compelled to share His story – almost like walking through the time of Jesus and seeing the miracles He performed.  People couldn’t keep it in.  He would ask them to not tell anyone, but how could they do that?  How could they keep this to themselves?  They needed to share it.  And, that is exactly how I feel.

I do not know why God chose us for this.  I think about the Francesca Battistelli song – He Knows My Name.  Here is the starting of the song:

“Spent today in a conversation
In the mirror face to face with
Somebody less than perfect
I wouldn’t choose me first if
I was looking for a champion
In fact I’d understand if
You picked everyone before me
But that’s just not my story

True to who You are
You saw my heart
And made
Something out of nothing.”

The blessing is that I get to share God’s story of healing Paul.  I get to share His words and His healing.  I get to share His story.  And, truly, I don’t feel worthy.  

As I shared His story today, I am so thankful He gave me the words to say.  He helped me remember the parts of the story that would be impactful to others.  He helped me stay strong, even as I was sharing the most difficult times of our life so far.

Heavenly Father,

I praise Your glorious name!  I come to You in thanksgiving today for providing Your words and Your strength for the discussion today at Soul Spa.  I pray that the women that heard Your story of healing Paul will be able to see both that miracle, and the additional miracles You have provided in their lives. 

While the outcome for Paul is nearly complete healing, that is not always Your answer to prayer.  We know Your greatness is not tied to an outcome.  Your greatness is ALWAYS!  You provide miracles each and every day.  My prayer today is that we can all see the miracles You provide and share them and Your words with others, so that we can multiply the members of Your church. 

Father, I am not sure what You have in store for me next.  I pray for peace in the process.  I pray for my obedience to Your will and Your plan for me and for our family.

In Jesus’ Name,


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Paul: 5/12 Update

What a few weeks it has been!  We have been away visiting family & friends the last two weekends and watching Paulie play baseball.  It has been fun, and has kept us somewhat busy - helping to keep our minds off the next sets of labs.

Paul​ went in yesterday to get his labs.  Praise The Lord - the labs all came back improved!

Creatnine - down to 1.80 from 2.19 (close to normal of 0.6-1.5)
BUN - 24, which is NORMAL!!!!!
GFR - up to 46 from 36.  Normal is above 60, but remember it was 8 in the hospital.

Diet - While all of the labs relating to his diet look good, he has put on 14lbs in the past 6 weeks.  The doctor was a bit concerned (as I have been) about the weight gain.  While the lab numbers alleviated some of the concern, he told Paul that the extra weight will continue to delay the healing of the kidneys - makes them work harder.  He would really like Paul to be closer to 200lbs.  The good news is that he is only 219, so that isn't too far to go.  And, I know that Paul can & will do it!

Strength - Paul has been back playing basketball 2-3x per week and has golfed the last 2 weekends.  He notices that it takes him a little longer to loosen up than before, but once loose, he feels closer to the way he felt before all of this began.

With the travel, we have had the opportunity to see many people who have been praying for Paul through this entire journey.  It is an amazing sight to see him looking so good compared to how sick he was.  You can see the tears in many people's eyes as they are sharing their joy for his recovery.  It is a truly remarkable story of God's healing power!  Truly, we cannot thank everyone enough for all you have done to both pray for healing & strength.  We have felt so completely surrounded with love & prayers.

As for me...
The book is coming along.  I'm still hoping to have the first draft done by the end of the month.  Might end up being the first of June.  We will see where that goes...

This Friday, I am blessed to have the opportunity to share this story at the Soul Spa Sisterhood​ Retreat.  What a blessing it will be to share God's miraculous work in the healing of Paul!  I'm nervous & excited.  I am praying God gives me the words to share His Story.

As for work, I am finishing up my last few weeks with Pfizer.  It has been a true blessing to have worked for such a great organization for the past 16+ years.  And, I am thankful to have had the opportunity to effectively transition the projects I had been working on to others who can take the reins. I will also have the opportunity to speak at an upcoming LTEN conference in early June on the coaching platform we launched.  It will be wonderful seeing the team again before my official last day.  After that, we will see.  I am working on my resume and starting to look at opportunities.  I am hoping to be somewhere in September, so while I still have some time, I need to get a move on :).

Thank you again for your prayers, love & support!!!  Please know we have felt them and we truly know how blessed we are to have each of you in our lives!

Paul: April 25th Update (Sorry for the delay)

Paul saw the nephrologist (kidney doctor) yesterday, and he was pleased with Paul's progress - Hallelujah!!! Here are some of the details:
Labs - he said that he would like to see Paul's creatnine come down to about 1 (which is what it was in December). He recommended that Paul get his labs done 1x/month now until we see the numbers back to normal.
This is good because Paul truly does not like giving blood. That said, I do like having the information every week. So, we will need to continue to pray for complete healing of Paul's kidneys and know that God has had this under control the entire time. While I may want the labs, He has got this covered. I just need to "Let God, & let go".
Diet - The doctor said that he didn't think it was necessary for Paul to be strict to the renal diet (which is good because Paul hasn't been too strict with it lately). He did want Paul to watch his sodium intake. And, he said it would be okay for Paul to have "a beer." I want to make that distinction as it wasn't okay to have "beers" just okay to have "a beer".
So, we are going to go out tonight to celebrate! We used to have a date night every couple of weeks (sometimes more). We haven't had a true date night since this all started. We are looking forward to it!
Plus, the kids are looking forward to having a babysitter! They love the sitters in the neighborhood and are looking forward to having some fun, too! 
Thank you all for your prayers & support! Much Love!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Paul: 4/22 Update

We have been patiently (or not so patiently) awaiting the results from Paul​'s lab draw on Monday and praying for more positive improvements in his labs.  Praising God for the results we just received!!!

Creatnine - down to 2.19 from 2.4 last week!  Hallelujah!  The normal range is 0.8-1.5, so he still has a little way to go.  That said, this is significant improvement from the 12 & 13 we were seeing at the hospital!!!

BUN - This is also moving in the right direction.  It was 33 this week, down from 36 the last two weeks.  Normal again is 8-26.  We are definitely getting there!

GFR - His GFR is 36, up from 33 last week.  The goal here would be above 60, but he was in the single digits in the hospital.

Diet numbers - all still in the normal range.  And when I say that Paul has been stretching the limits of the renal diet, that is definitely an understatement.  Praise God!!!

Physical Strength - while I give Paul a little grief for his diet, he is really doing a great job.  He is in Physical Therapy twice each week and is walking other days.  He even made it to basketball on Monday night!  While his jumper isn't what it used to be, he will get that back.  And, he is working on his golf swing to be in shape for the Berger Open.  Watch out boys!

Weight - I am not sure where he is looking to land on his weight.  He was 255 in January when he started a diet challenge with his friends.  He was around 235 when he went into the hospital.  Today, he is 202 - a much healthier 202. Amen!!!

Me - I thought I would just add this in here, because it seems to fit.  I have been praying about my next steps - what God's plan is for my journey.  What I continue to receive is that I am suppose to write this story - God's story.  So, I decided to write a book.  I am not sure what God has planned for that book - maybe it's just for us or maybe it's meant for more.  I'm not going to worry about any of that right now.  Right now, I just want to focus on writing this story.  It is truly hard to believe it hasn't even been 9 weeks!

Please know how much we truly love you all and are so very grateful for each & every one of you!   Your prayers, love & support helped us to stay strong throughout this journey.

Heavenly Father,

We praise Your Glorious Name for ALL the miracles You provided in the healing of Paul.  You made sure all the right decisions were made so that we could prove You are the ultimate healer!  Paul is living proof that You continue to provide miracles on Earth!  

Please know how much we love You, we thank You, we praise You!  

In Jesus' Name - AMEN!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Me... What's Next??

Thank you all so very much for your prayers & support for Paul.  He is getting better each day, and we praise God for the miracles He has provided.  We just learned that Paul's dialysis port will be removed this Friday - Hallelujah!!!

I also appreciate the prayers & concern regarding what's next for me on the job front.  With everything going on with Paul, I haven't taken much time to think about my future.  I know I have had the time to think about it, but I haven't taken the time to think about it.  I have been avoiding it.

Now that Paul is getting better, I need to take the time to think about my future - and that is truly frightening!

For 16+ years, all I have known is Pfizer.  I have had eight different positions in that time, and have had the opportunity to do really great work with amazing people.  My last two positions were roles that were "pinnacle roles" for me - ones that I thought I might be doing near the end of my career - not in the middle of it.

So, now what?
 - Do I stay at Pfizer?
 - Do I work somewhere else in healthcare?
 - Do I work somewhere else in another industry?
 - Do I work for a big company, small company?
 - Do I start my own company?
 - Do I write a book about all of this?

The irony is, I recently moderated a program on "Making the Most of Your Development Plan."  Not only did I moderate this program, but this is the first program in a series titled "Owning Your Own Development" that I worked with our HBA-IN Directors of Programming to create.

Now, here I sit, needing to put together my very own development plan.  I need to take the time to identify where I want to go next.  More importantly, what are God's plans for my next steps?

I was thinking about a post I wrote on January 30th titled "2015 - The Year of Growth".  I wrote this while at a Christian Women's Breakfast called - the Soul Spa Sisterhood (the next one is coming up in May!).  The point of this post was my desire to spend this year focusing my eyes on where God wants me to be.  Where is He guiding my life?   While I don't think God made all of this happen, I do fully believe He will use all of this to grow & strengthen us in preparation for His great plan.  And, His plan is greater than I could ever imagine!!

Ephesians 3:20 (GNB):
To him who by means of his power working in us is able to do so much more than we can ever ask for, or even think of

Jeremiah 29:11 (GNB):
I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for

So, I will take these next few weeks to pray, to seek God's guidance and make some decisions.  I am truly thankful that I have the time to do this.  

I also offered to continue to work at Pfizer the next 8 weeks to help move the projects we were planning for 2015 forward. While I don't have to do it, I want to set the projects up for success as I truly believe in the work we were doing. 

As my next step become clearer, I will definitely share.  Until then, thank you all so very much for your prayers & support!!!  XOXOX

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Paul: 4/14 Update

UPDATE:  Praise the Lord!!!  They will be removing Paul​'s dialysis port as soon as we can get it scheduled!!!

Paul had his labs drawn yesterday - here are some quick numbers:
Creatnine - down to 2.4 from 2.6 with only one day of dialysis which was last week Monday
GFR is up to 33 which is still really low, but it was 8 at the hospital.
All other diet numbers were looking good - still high side of normal, but that means his kidneys have to be working better because he has been pressing the boundaries of his diet!

We received the information from the doctor's office via e-mail with a note that the doctor wants to schedule a time to pull the port soon!  Hallelujah!  We sent them some dates and will hopefully get that scheduled within the next week.

Strength - Paul is continuing his PT and is getting stronger each day.  And, he is currently kicking my butt in steps (I think that says more about my laziness than his activity...well, maybe a little bit of both).  Paul was also excited to talk with his PT today about getting back onto the golf course.  He ended his PT session today with working on the golf swing motion :).

We truly want to thank everyone for all of your prayers & support for Paul and our family!  It hasn't been an easy few months, but God is always good and you have all been amazing!  We are truly blessed to have such great family & friends!

Amen!  Amen!  Hallelujah & Amen!!!

Friday, April 10, 2015

#22 - Pfizer, My Next 6 Years...

I am truly thankful for the many who helped in my next 5 years at Pfizer.

Keith O'Briant - thank you for taking a chance on me and hiring me to come back to the Chicago area!  I was again so very nervous in the interview.  You saw through that nervousness and were able to calm me down a bit.  You also helped me to calm my nerves through all additional interviews (well, at least a little bit :)).  I wish we could have worked together longer.

Amy Jenner - you were there at my first meeting as our VP.  You showed me how important it is to be yourself, your whole self, when you lead.  You are smart, strong and confident.  You showed the importance of both business and people.  I have truly appreciated the opportunities we have had to stay in touch.

All of the members of our first district - thank you for helping me to learn the best lessons of leading people.  You all taught me so very much about what it takes to be a true leader.  While we weren't together long, please know how very much I learned from you!

Rob Lyons - you were the first manager I didn't interview with for a job.  You "inherited" me from the realignment.  This was a very new experience for me, but you welcomed me with open arms.  I always felt like you chose me for your team.  I also learned a great deal from you, especially as a new leader.  You also showed me the importance of personal leadership.  You ensured I had the skills needed to lead, and then you started to push me to take on new opportunities.  You believed in me before I knew to believe in myself.  I am truly grateful for our continued friendship!

Michelle Keefe - you had more of an impact on my career than I think you will ever know.  I loved watching you on stage - so polished and intelligent, and also willing to share when you didn't know the answer (which wasn't often).  One-on-one, you were kind and personal.  You would share information about your life that helped me to understand some of the challenges of being a working mom.  The biggest impact was learning from others about your belief in my ability.  You gave me opportunities to take on assignments and help the organization through challenging times.  I truly thank you!

All of the district members throughout those additional 5 years, thank you!  We learned a great deal together and had lots of fun.  We celebrated many life events together and were there for each other during the difficult times.  You each mean so very much to me, and I cannot thank you enough for your friendship!

To all the leadership team members - thank you!  I learned so very much from each of you and started many life-long friendships!

Tess Christensen - I would like to specifically say thank you to you!!!  I don't tell you often enough how much you mean to me and have meant to me both personally and professionally.  You are always there to listen, to share, to give advice, to offer a different perspective, to celebrate successes, and provide a shoulder when needed.  We have been through a lot together the past 10 years.  I hope you know how much you mean to me!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Paul: 4/7 Report - Off Dialysis!!!!

Amen!  Amen!  Hallelujah & Amen!

We just received the call from the dialysis center and Paul​'s labs have improved enough to stop dialysis!!!!  Praise God!!!!!

He will need to get his labs taken the next two Mondays and see the nephrologist (kidney doctor) on 4/24.  Until then, he will remain on the renal diet and continue with the doctor orders - but HE IS OFF DIALYSIS!!!

Quick set of numbers:
 - Creatnine - down to 2.6
 - Diet Labs - all still high side of normal (surprising due to the Easter meal - Yum!)
 - White Blood Cells - back up in the normal range (they were down last week, so happy to see this improvement)

We cannot thank everyone enough for your prayers, love & support!!  When this all started, no one knew what the outcome would be:
 - Would Paul wake up?
 - If so, would there be permanent damage?
 - And, how long would it take to get back to a "new normal"?
 - How would this impact our kids?
 - What would life be like?
 - And, so many more questions...

What is so amazing about God is that He kept our focus on the positives, the improvements, the next blessing.  He didn't allow us to focus on the negatives.  He didn't give us time for that - Praise Him!!!

We will post updates as we learn more.  In the meantime, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!  You have all prayed and seen God, our living-God, provide miracles in the healing of Paul!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Paul: 4/3-4/6 Report

What a glorious weekend!  After dialysis on Friday, we were able to make it up to NW IN to spend the Easter weekend with Paul​'s family (we are spending next weekend with my family down here in Indy for Easter - we are truly blessed)!

Today, Paul went to dialysis and talked with the doctor.  After he took his labs, he told Paul that they will look at the lab results on Wednesday.  If the numbers are still trending down, they will stop the dialysis and Paul will not need to come in on Wednesday.

The protocol is to continue with weekly labs for a couple of weeks to ensure the numbers continue to improve before removing the port.  The good news is that we are getting so much closer.  Truly - we cannot thank everyone enough for all of your prayers & support!!

We are blessed to have a busy few days while waiting for the lab results.
- Paulie has RE tonight (that used to be called CCD, now its RE - Religious Education.  I have also heard it called REPS - religious education for public school kids)
- Paul has PT on Tuesday (& Thursday)
- Paulie has baseball practice on Tuesday & Thursday - weather permitting.  He has pictures on Saturday & his first game on Sunday
- My family is coming in town, so that means washing sheets, cleaning bathrooms & going grocery shopping

We are so amazingly blessed!

I wanted to share today's Jesus Calling message:  April 6

BRING ME THE SACRIFICE of thanksgiving. Take nothing for granted, not even the rising of the sun. Before Satan tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, thankfulness was as natural as breathing. Satan’s temptation involved pointing Eve to the one thing that was forbidden her. The Garden was filled with luscious, desirable fruits, but Eve focused on the one fruit she couldn’t have rather than being thankful for the many good things freely available. This negative focus darkened her mind, and she succumbed to temptation.
When you focus on what you don’t have or on situations that displease you, your mind also becomes darkened. You take for granted life, salvation, sunshine, flowers, and countless other gifts from Me. You look for what is wrong and refuse to enjoy life until that is “fixed.”
When you approach Me with thanksgiving, the Light of My Presence pours into you, transforming you through and through. Walk in the Light with Me by practicing the discipline of thanksgiving.
I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD.
PSALM 116:17 NKJV”

Excerpt From:
Sarah Young. “Jesus Calling.” iBooks.

We will keep our eyes on the blessings.  We have so very many blessings to be thankful for!  Praising God for His Amazing Grace!

Here is one of my favorite PJ Anderson​ songs - Your Grace is Amazing -

#21 - Pfizer My First 5 Years...

Let's just start by thanking Dick Fetter & Dan McQuiston again for their help in my getting my first job with Pfizer.

I am thankful to Daren Sink & Bruce Fleischmann for taking a chance on a young 22 year old, right out of college, with little experience and lots of energy!  Words cannot express my deepest gratitude as I could always see your faith and belief in me!  Please know I always give you credit for taking that chance on me and I still want to make you proud of that decision.

I am thankful for Clark Mohar & Kevin Malone for your willingness to take a chance on a still very young 24 year old with lots of energy!   It was during those years that I started to transition others belief in me into a faith in myself.  Kevin - you also helped me to understand the importance of separating the person from the title.  That has helped me a great deal through the years!

I am thankful for Dennis Green & Jake Friedman for your willingness to take a chance on a very nervous 26 year old.  Dennis - That was truly a pivotal time in my career as that started my passion for training & development.  I was also able to truly connect with the many new faces of Pfizer.  I will forever be grateful for that opportunity.  You encouraged me to take on new opportunities, and supported me through the successes and the challenges.
Jake - I thank you for teaching me the importance of having a sponsor (even if you don't know you have one).  You also had such a positive impact on me with your desire to connect with each person, individually.  I have made many great friends throughout the years trying to follow in your footsteps - and will forever be grateful to you for that example!

I am thankful for our Directors of Leadership Development - Michelle Gile, Jenner Marcucci & Mike Edge!   What I have come to realize is how important the skills you taught us are - and how many people did not have the fortune of working with great trainers like yourselves to gain those skills!  I am a better leader today because of the trainings and the coaching you provided!

I am also thankful for the many people I worked with during these years!  While there are too many to mention by name, please know how grateful I am for your friendship!

#20 - Butler & Alpha Phi (AMAZING WOMEN)

Butler Friends - I am truly grateful that I chose Butler (or Butler chose me).  I am so very thankful for all of the friendships that started at Butler and continuing through the years.  Again, I am so very thankful for FaceBook and LinkedIn to help us stay connected!

Alpha Phi Sisters - I am truly grateful that Alpha Phi chose me!  I have seen our Alpha Phi family come together so many times during the years when a sister needed help / support.  We may not live right next door, but we are always close at heart!  I love you all so very much, and will forever be thankful for each and every one of you!  Many thanks for my bordeaux blanket, book and bracelet - plus the notes, cards, gift cards and many, many prayers!

Alpha Phi Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) - I have had the privilege to spend time with many Alpha Phi collegians and alumnae through the years at ELI, and was honored to spend a week last Summer with 50 collegians and 8 alumnae who put on the program.  I am so very grateful for that week!  The women were all amazing (not surprising - they are all Alpha Phis!) and I was able to reconnect with the vision & values of our fraternity.  Truly an honor I will forever be grateful for - and will look to do again soon!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Paul: 3/31-4/2 Report

Paul has had a really good couple of days!
Tuesday - Paul went to PT and really likes the PT. He was really weak on his left side. The PT was able to shift his hips and Paul felt a little stronger. While he is still weaker than he would like to be, he was impressed by what the PT was able to do!
Wednesday - Paul had dialysis and received his labs. We were very excited to see more improvement - Praising God!!!!
Creatnine down from 4.9 to 3.5! Of course Paul was hoping for it to be below 2, but we were very excited to again see a decreasing number! Normal is 0.6-1.3, so we have a little way to go - but moving in the right direction. 
His BUN was also down from 45 to 33! Again, normal is 6-19, but moving in the right direction - Hallelujah!!!
All of his numbers relating to his diet (sodium, potassium, phosphorus) all in the normal range. Still on the high side of normal, but with the great food we have been getting - it is definitely understandable. Truly - thank you all for all you have done for our family! We are so very grateful!
Today - we had a very busy day. 
Paul had PT again today and continues to get stronger.
We were blessed to attend Holy Thursday mass where Paul walked up the Oil of the Sick. We were so thankful he was feeling well enough to participate in the mass. And, Paul & the kiddos looked so very cute! We will be in the same outfits for Easter Sunday mass, so we will take pictures & post then smile emoticon.
We hope you all have a wonderful & blessed Easter season! And, if you haven't read my last post, please take a look. We have started a ‪#‎PH413‬challenge - doing 13 Random Acts of Kindness in 4 days and Sharing the Challenge with 13 other people - based on the Philippians 4:13 verse:
I can do all things, through Christ who gives me strength. 
Many blessings to you & yours!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015



I will send an update later today with Paul​'s lab results and any updates from the doctors.  I would like to use this post for a different purpose.

We have only 4 "sleeps" until Easter (at least that is how we count it here). 
One of my favorite Bible verses is Philippians 4:13:
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"

So, how about a Holy Week Challenge?
 - Do 13 Random Acts of Kindness in the next 4 Days
 - Share this post with 13 People
 - Add #PH413

God has been so very good to us and all of you have helped with your prayers in the process.  Let's use the next four days to truly exercise our "Religious Freedom" and show the Love of Jesus to others.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Paul: 3/30 - Report

Paul had a really good weekend (well, other than the ND loss). My parents (David & Carol) came in town and our nephew Jordan drove in. It was a nice weekend spending time with family!

Paul got the call to come in early for dialysis today. While that is usually a good thing because Paul likes to go early, we don't have any one staying with us this week. So Paul drove himself to dialysis this morning. While I am not worried about the morning trip, I am worried about him driving home after dialysis. I know others do this, it's just not something we have had to worry about because of our amazing family & friends!  He will call me when it is over and, if he is tired, we will go & get him. 

We also have practice for Holy Thursday services tonight. Looking forward to going and to having Paul present the Oil of the Sick at mass on Thursday. What a true honor to be asked. We personally have seen the power of prayer!  

This Holy Week has an even deeper meaning to us this year. We have witnessed God work miracles in Paul!

For it is by God's grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God's gift, so that no one can boast about it. (Ephesians 2:8-9 GNB)

My prayer this Holy Week is both for the complete healing for Paul's kidneys and for all of us to continue to deepen our relationship with Christ. He died on the cross so that each & every one of us could have the opportunity to go to Heaven. 

If you believe God saved Paul because He has great plans for him (like I do), it shouldn't be hard to believe that God also has great plans for you!  

If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved. For it is by our faith that we are put right with God; it is by our confession that we are saved. The scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” This includes everyone, because there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles; God is the same Lord of all and richly blesses all who call to him. As the scripture says, “Everyone who calls out to the Lord for help will be saved.” (Romans 10:9-13 GNB)

Friday, March 27, 2015

Paul: 3/27 Report

Paul has had a good few days!  He was elated to talk with the people at dialysis today. They were excited about his kidney function improvement. They think he is close to being done with dialysis - PRAISE GOD!!!!!

We will enjoy a relaxing weekend with our family and hope for a great set of numbers next Monday (results on Wednesday). 

Paulie is on Spring Break so we will see what fun we can have this next week with all of the kiddos. 

We hope everyone has a great weekend!!  Go ND!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Paul: 3/24-3/25 Updates

We do have a few updates on Paul​ today.

First here are the numbers:
Paul's creatnine came down from 8.3 last week to 4.9 this week - Praise God!!!  While that is still too high (normal is 0.6 to 1.3 and he was at 1.05 in December), at least we are moving in the right direction!  These are the lowest numbers we have seen since he was on the slow, continuous dialysis at the hospital.  Truly - Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him!

The numbers relating to his diet (sodium, potassium, phosphorus) are all still in the normal range, but are up a bit from last week (and that was before the cupcakes Paul ate :)).  We will need to keep an eye on his diet to ensure we keep those numbers in the normal range.

Weight - He was down to 202.  He was up to 203 today (probably due to the aforementioned cupcake eating).  They are still pulling a little fluid during the dialysis to see what Paul's true "dry weight" is.

Strength - Paul walked over 10,000 steps again yesterday!  And, got me motivated to get off of my butt and do the same - thank you!  And thank you to John​ & Julie​ and Larry & Becky​ for the FitBit challenge.  While we will lose the challenge - we will be more active this week than weeks prior!

Paul will also go to physical therapy next week for an assessment on what he can do besides walking.  I think that will help him start to feel stronger, too.

We did go back to see his Primary Care doctor yesterday (a different doctor than the one he saw originally with all of this).  We were able to update him on all that has happened these past four weeks.  He will see Paul again in about 7 weeks to follow-up.

We truly cannot thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Our Prayer Requests are:
 - Full Healing of the Kidneys
 - Patience in this process
 - Keeping our eyes & focus on all the blessings God has provided (On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand - All Other Ground is Sinking Sand)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Paul: 3/22-23 Report

We had a really good weekend. Paul was able to get some good sleep and enjoy the NCAA Tournament. 

Today is another dialysis day. He was a bit disappointed that he didn't get the call to come in early. He likes getting it out of the way so he can have the rest of the day open.  With all that I have going on today, it was actually a blessing to have him go during his regular schedule. God is always good!

Now that things are settling back into a new normal, we are pulling all of the names together for thank you notes. We are so very appreciative for all that everyone has done. Truly, your generosity is beyond compare!  We are so very blessed to have you all in our lives. 

I do want to share a few very special thank yous. We have had tons of family support during the weekdays and weekends. Both our parents, sisters & families have spent as much time as possible here with us (David, Carol, Paul, Kimberly, Craig, Jordan, Taylor, Mike & Laura, Bella & Luke, Alicia & Ryan & baby Will).

To Tammy: you stopped your world for over 3 weeks to help keep our children in a normal routine when our world was anything but normal. You helping there allowed me to be with Paul. I don't have the words to express how truly thankful I am for you!  

To Paul's mom, Patti: You stopped your life for over four weeks to help us at the hospital and help at the house. Thank you also does not come close to expressing how much your help means to me. I know it was difficult leaving yesterday, as when you got here - we had no idea what the outcome would be. God has been so very good to us in healing Paul. He will see us the rest of the way through this. 

To Lisa: Thank you for taking the week off of work to help me this week!  It is great having you here both for the help, and for your friendship!!  

To Alison: thank you for setting up the meal train!  We cannot thank you enough for helping with that!  We have not had to think about meals since this all started - truly, thank you to you and all who have signed up & sent meals and gift cards!  So appreciated!

To Serena:  thank you for setting up the GoFundMe account on behalf of the HBA-IN EC.  We are truly overwhelmed by the generosity!  Thank you for making this available and thank you to all those who donated!

We have many more people to thank & will add those to future updates.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Paul: 3/21 Report

Paul didn't sleep that well last night. I think it was because he was excited about his morning. He took Paulie to his Saturday morning (6am) basketball game. While Paul is not in any shape to play, he wanted to go to say goodbye to a friend who is moving to South Bend. 

This was a big deal for a few reasons:
1-this is the first time Paul drove. He has felt confident in his ability to drive - this was the first time he actually did it. He said he felt good which is great news!!  
2-He also got a sense of just how many people have been praying for him. He was amazed both by the number of people and by how they found out. I still don't think either of us truly have a clue as to just how many people have been following us and praying with us through this journey. We are forever grateful!

The rest of the day should be a good one for us. Paul's parents are here with us. We are looking forward to family time, basketball & church. Today is the feast day for St. Benedict - the Patron Saint of kidney disease.

We were also honored to be asked to participate in the Holy Thursday services. They have asked us to present the Oil of the Sick. We are hoping Paul feels good enough to do that himself. If not, I will step in on his behalf. 

I will update the blog with more thankfulness posts. I started this in November and allowed busyness to get in the way of saying thank you. I will be sprinkling those in these next few days. 

Our prayers continue to be for kidneys and for patience. And, I am sure there will be many conflicting prayers being said tonight during the Butler v ND game. I hope it's a great game with a Butler victory!  

Friday, March 20, 2015

Paul: 3/19-20 Update

Phew!  Yesterday was a busy day!

Paul​ had a great day off dialysis!  He was able to spend a good day with his mom and the kids.  He feels so much better on his non-dialysis days.

He was able to run a few errands with his mom and the itty bittys.  While he hasn't driven yet, just getting out of the house to go somewhere outside of dialysis is always good for him.

I spent the day with my amazing AWL friends!  I will be adding a separate post in my blog later today about how blessed I am for the amazing women God has placed in my life (Alpha Phi, HBA, WLC, AWL, Zionsville, NW Indiana, Family - and so many more)!

I was able to listen to the end of the Butler game - that was too close for comfort!  We are looking forward to being a house divided tomorrow night when Butler plays ND.  Hoping for a great game and a Butler Bulldogs​ win!  Go DAWGS!!!

We then went to Paulie's baseball practice. It was the first one outside, so Paul and I were able to walk around the fields while Paulie was practicing.  We stopped to watch him play quite a bit. He is definitely getting better and having a blast!

Paul did step on the scale yesterday morning and was at an all-time low (well at least in our marriage) - 207!  It looks like he's got that weight loss challenge in the bag!

Today, they are challenging his kidneys to see if they can remove some additional fluid.  While Paul is at his lowest weight, that doesn't mean there isn't still some extra fluid needing to be removed.  I am leaving to pick him up soon, so we will see how that went.

We are looking forward to a great evening of basketball and family time!  Thank you all for continuing your prayers & support.  We are ever so grateful for you!

We are continuing our prayers for:
- Complete healing of kidneys
- Patience in the process

As Paul and I talk about this journey, we realize this story is truly a story the Power of God, His Grace and His Glory!  We are blessed to be able to share His story through our experiences to show He is a Living & Loving God!  And we are thankful to be "living" proof of His Great Grace!

One new song to share - Hawk Nelson - Drops in the Ocean

Been listening to this song on repeat!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Paul: 3/18 - Full Day Report

Today was a very full day!
Paul​ walked Paulie to the bus and then we received a call to go early to dialysis.  We were somewhat looking forward to dialysis today - well, at least getting Paul's numbers.  And - they are looking better!  Hallelujah!

Paul's creating was still 8.5, but considering that was before dialysis on Monday, that is a good number.  We were thinking it might be up near 12 as that was what it was on Friday.

All of his other numbers are looking much better.  Sodium, Calcium, Potassium & Phosphorus were all within normal range.  That was good news for me as that means the diet I am feeding him is working and his kidneys are keeping the numbers in a good range.  Praise God!

There are still some numbers out of range - both due to the kidney injury & due to his seasonal allergies.  These are to be expected, but we will keep an eye on them (well, the doctor will keep an eye on them :)).

Paul is continuing to lose weight.  He is down to 211lbs - with shoes on.  The good news is the dietitian is willing to let Paul have some donuts!!  He is looking forward to adding a few lbs back with a trip to Dunkin Donuts!

We are praying for another good day tomorrow.  I am planning on spending the day at Butler (last month, I was at Butler when I received the call to come home and all of this ordeal started).

Thank you all for your prayers & support!  We cannot tell you how much we truly appreciate it!  We are forever grateful!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

God is good - Always!

God is good - Always!  And, when I say always, I mean always.  God's greatness is not wrapped up in any outcome / any result.  God's greatness is beyond measure.

Psalm 18:30 (CEB):  God!  His way is perfect; the Lord's word is tried and true.  He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.

Why am I writing about this?  And, why now?

Remember the night I broke down?  I came home and wrapped my arms around my sister and cried.  As we stood there, I said - 

"I know God has a plan.  But, what if His plan is not healing Paul?  What if Paul doesn't wake up?  I trust God.  I believe in Him and know He will make beauty out of any crisis.  Can we please pray that whatever God's plan is today, that He makes His plan a full recovery for Paul?"

So, we prayed. We prayed for God's plan to be Paul's full recovery.  We prayed that God would provide all of us with His "peace beyond understanding."  And, we continued praying boldly.  Boldly for healing. Boldly for God's plan to be complete recovery.  Boldly for peace...

Philippians 4:6-7 (GNB):  Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart.  And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.

As Paul and I were heading to dialysis yesterday, we talked about this.  We discussed God's greatness - and how that wouldn't change even if Paul didn't "wake up." How we prayed boldly for God's plan to be for Paul's complete recovery, but that was never guaranteed.  Regardless - God is now and always will be faithful, all-knowing, all-powerful and ever-loving.

It probably seems easy for me to share this now considering we have come out of the darkest hours of this journey.  Please know I wanted to share this earlier, but there was a part of me that was fearful to write this down.  I know that may seem quite silly (and I feel silly writing it), but there was part of me that didn't want to put that down as I felt it would have been me giving up on Him.  Giving into my fears of what might come and focusing on a negative outcome.  So, while I didn't write it, I was so very thankful for my sister to be able to talk about it.   

I am also very thankful that God helped me keep my eyes and vision on Paul's complete healing.  Whenever my mind would shift to something other than that, I felt a gentle nudge away from those thoughts.  During one of our recent conversations, Paul asked where I would have buried him.  (I hope you never have to have that conversation with your loved ones!!).  I was able to share - my mind NEVER went there.  When I would think of any part of my life without Paul, God would gently bring me back to full healing.  He would show me walking out of the hospital with Paul, hand-in-hand, coming home to our children.

I have a few friends in the middle of deep crises right now.  Their outcomes are definitely not positive.  We have been praying for God's peace beyond understanding to help them through these difficult times.   I also received the best advice from a friend a few years ago that fits during times like these.  

Cry out to God.  Tell Him how you feel.  Yell about the situation.  
God can handle your anger.  God knows your pain.  
He is crying with you and for you.

Psalm 23:4 (NLT):  Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.  Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

While I cannot say that I didn't ever fear, I did always know that God would see us through that valley - regardless of the outcome.


We are forever grateful for Your amazing blessings and miracles in healing Paul.  You have healed his mind, his heart, his lungs, his liver, his skin.  You have already started the healing of his kidneys.  You woke him up with a prayerful and thankful heart - seeking a closer relationship with You.  

That said, Your greatness is not dependent on that outcome.  You are ALWAYS great!  You are ALWAYS faithful.  You will help each of us come through the darkest valleys and see something beautiful come out of the chaos.  And, You are ALWAYS with us!

Father, please stay close to those who are in the middle of those valleys.  Please hold them in Your Arms and help them to feel Your Presence.  Please help them to know Your peace beyond understanding.  

In Jesus' Name, 


Paul: 3/17 Morning Report

Paul had another great night of sleep last night! I guess it's official - I have lost my side of the bed smile emoticon.
What we are learning is that outpatient dialysis is very different that inpatient dialysis. Paul will not be getting labs as often as he did in the hospital. And, it takes 48 hours to get the results. So, while I was hoping to know Paul's numbers when I picked him up on Monday afternoon, I will likely not see them until I pick him up on Wednesday. I am praying for patience with this change as I know they know what they are doing - and Paul is doing GREAT! There is something comforting about knowing the numbers immediately (not that I can control any of it, just like knowing the information).
After dialysis yesterday, I dropped Paul off at home with his mom & the kids and I went to an HBA meeting. It was so wonderful seeing these amazing women! I was able to get many hugs and lots of support. It was a true blessing to be there! 
And, while I was gone, Paul took another walk around the subdivision. We didn't get to 10,000 steps, but he did get some even after a 4 hour dialysis run - WooHoo!
We are deciding what to do with this glorious day! One thing is for sure - our itty bittys need a BATH! So, we will do that first and get the family dressed in green.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to All!!! Much Love!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Paul: 3/15&16 Report

Yesterday was a good & busy day!

While we wanted to go to church, we all thought it might be too soon. So, Busia & Papa took Sarah to church, and Paul and I stayed home with the boys. 

Paul shaved-which is great because I shaved him last time. Let's just say I will not be pursuing that as my next career 😜. 

Paulie had baseball practice at 1:30, so the four of us went there. Paul and I were getting some steps in while Noah was trying to chase us. It was lots of fun. And, it was fun to watch Paulie practice!

When we got home, Paul and I were able to take a walk around the subdivision and both get our 10,000 steps for the day!  Praise God for healing Paul!

The best news of all is that Paul had a great night sleep last night!  

Today is another day of dialysis. Since this is outpatient, I am not sure what news I will hear. If I get more info, I will post. 

One last note - What we were not expecting is the significant weight loss. Paul went into the hospital at 235lbs. Yesterday, he was down to 214lbs. We will talk with the dietitian as he needs to increase his calorie count while keeping the other chemicals/minerals below the threshold. 

Our prayer today is that Paul's kidneys kick in by Spring Break. While we know our plans for Great Wolf Lodge are changed, we would love to visit family or go somewhere that week. We are praying Paul will be done with dialysis by then. While the kidneys do not have a timeline, we are asking God for this additional miracle!  

Thank you all!  Much love! 😘❤️🙏