Monday, March 16, 2015

Paul: 3/15&16 Report

Yesterday was a good & busy day!

While we wanted to go to church, we all thought it might be too soon. So, Busia & Papa took Sarah to church, and Paul and I stayed home with the boys. 

Paul shaved-which is great because I shaved him last time. Let's just say I will not be pursuing that as my next career 😜. 

Paulie had baseball practice at 1:30, so the four of us went there. Paul and I were getting some steps in while Noah was trying to chase us. It was lots of fun. And, it was fun to watch Paulie practice!

When we got home, Paul and I were able to take a walk around the subdivision and both get our 10,000 steps for the day!  Praise God for healing Paul!

The best news of all is that Paul had a great night sleep last night!  

Today is another day of dialysis. Since this is outpatient, I am not sure what news I will hear. If I get more info, I will post. 

One last note - What we were not expecting is the significant weight loss. Paul went into the hospital at 235lbs. Yesterday, he was down to 214lbs. We will talk with the dietitian as he needs to increase his calorie count while keeping the other chemicals/minerals below the threshold. 

Our prayer today is that Paul's kidneys kick in by Spring Break. While we know our plans for Great Wolf Lodge are changed, we would love to visit family or go somewhere that week. We are praying Paul will be done with dialysis by then. While the kidneys do not have a timeline, we are asking God for this additional miracle!  

Thank you all!  Much love! 😘❤️🙏

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