Friday, March 6, 2015

Paul: 3/6 - Afternoon Report

Paul had a busy morning. 

We are still waiting on those kidneys to wake up. His Creatnine was 12 so dialysis was a must. Those are Paul's least favorite four hours of the day!

He will also have dialysis tomorrow to help the Creatnine come down.  He is not looking forward to that!

During those 4 hours, I was able to go home & shower (that was also a must)!  I hung out with our little two and spent some time with a couple of friends (thank you for visiting!). I also went to school to have lunch with Paulie. It was great seeing their smiling faces!  

I was able to bring Paul's Fitbit to the hospital. While we can't personally do much about the kidneys, we can focus on his strength. So, he will have that back on and we will start counting stepsπŸ˜ƒ.

Hopefully, PT or OT will be in soon as Paul is jumping at the chance to get moving!πŸ’ͺ

We also had a visit from one of the ICU doctors. He just wanted to see how Paul was progressing. We are truly blessed to continue to have such great care!

Praising God for His amazing miracles!  He continues to move mountains and heal Paul's body. We pray for his kidneys to wake up, so we can all be back home as a family. 

Thank you all! 😘❤️πŸ™

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