Sunday, March 8, 2015

Paul: 3/8 - Day Report

Paul had the best night sleep thus far!!!  He woke up with an appetite and wanting to run around the hospital!  Praise God!!

Kidneys - his Creatnine did come down a bit more to 7.5. Since he has dialysis 2 days in a row and the first day had such a great drop, I am not sure what we were to expect. He is making more urine which is good news. 

Strength - Fitbit on and he is walking!  He already has 1000+ steps today and is waiting on me for another walk around the unit. Hallelujah!!!

Blessed - we truly cannot thank everyone enough. Some have asked for the GoFundMe link: We truly are overwhelmed by all the love, support & prayers. 
Much love to you all!! 😘❤️ 

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