Saturday, March 21, 2015

Paul: 3/21 Report

Paul didn't sleep that well last night. I think it was because he was excited about his morning. He took Paulie to his Saturday morning (6am) basketball game. While Paul is not in any shape to play, he wanted to go to say goodbye to a friend who is moving to South Bend. 

This was a big deal for a few reasons:
1-this is the first time Paul drove. He has felt confident in his ability to drive - this was the first time he actually did it. He said he felt good which is great news!!  
2-He also got a sense of just how many people have been praying for him. He was amazed both by the number of people and by how they found out. I still don't think either of us truly have a clue as to just how many people have been following us and praying with us through this journey. We are forever grateful!

The rest of the day should be a good one for us. Paul's parents are here with us. We are looking forward to family time, basketball & church. Today is the feast day for St. Benedict - the Patron Saint of kidney disease.

We were also honored to be asked to participate in the Holy Thursday services. They have asked us to present the Oil of the Sick. We are hoping Paul feels good enough to do that himself. If not, I will step in on his behalf. 

I will update the blog with more thankfulness posts. I started this in November and allowed busyness to get in the way of saying thank you. I will be sprinkling those in these next few days. 

Our prayers continue to be for kidneys and for patience. And, I am sure there will be many conflicting prayers being said tonight during the Butler v ND game. I hope it's a great game with a Butler victory!  

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