Friday, March 13, 2015

Paul: 3/13 - Evening Report

We have had a very busy & interesting day. 

Paul had his labs drawn today. His Creatnine, BUN & GFR are still not good, but the other numbers are looking better - so, we are waiting until tomorrow for dialysis. He will then be on a Mon-Wed-Fri schedule until his filter kicks back in. 

He got a shampoo & a hair cut today so he looks like my handsome husband again!  That made him feel good!  So glad we made the time to do that today. 

We also went to fill out all of the paperwork at the dialysis center - it was almost as much as buying a new house. We are so grateful that the nurse was awesome and put Paul at ease. And, the doctor following him there is the first kidney doctor that saw him in the ICU. We are truly blessed to have her there as she knows his entire history. 

While at the dialysis center, I also talked to the dietitian and she gave us great meal options. Praising God for that help as I have been STRESSED about what to feed Paul. 

Thank you all for your prayers & support yesterday (& every day through this journey). I truly needed them as I was feeling out of control.  Since I haven't been in control of any of this, it should have been okay - but I tried to take it back. I know God has this and He will see us through. Thank you for that reminder 😘❤️🙏. 

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