Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Paul: 3/10 - Daily Update

Thank you all for your continued checking in on Paul's progress!  

We pray today is a stable day. Paul had dialysis yesterday, so his kidney numbers came back down. The prayer is that they stay down tomorrow. That is the big day to show if the filter is kicking back in. If you have a moment today, please pray for Paul's kidneys - specifically for that filter!  

Father - You have already performed many miracles in the healing of Paul. 
You have healed his mind. 
You have healed his heart. 
You have healed his lungs. 
You have healed his liver. 
You have increased his strength. 
And, You have started healing his kidneys. 

Father, I am praying boldly that You please provide complete healing for Paul. And, if I can be so bold, I pray You please place Your hands on his kidneys today and finish the healing You have already started. 

God, I know You have a plan for Paul. I know Your plan, Your will and Your timing is always perfect. So, please also help us continue to come to You in thanksgiving for all You have already provided and with patience for the healing yet to come. 

In Jesus' Name,


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