Friday, March 13, 2015

Paul: 3/13 - Home, Labs & Haircut!

Paul came home last night. While that is a complete blessing, it is also very nerve-racking. For three weeks, Paul has had doctors, nurses, pharmacists, techs, dietitians, etc. I was able to be his wife while these other professionals took care of him. As of yesterday, I have to take on all of those roles - the best I can with the information they gave me. And, I don't feel equipped. 

I was thankful the kidney doctor agreed to Paul having a blood test today to check all of his levels. I was not going to let him come home without it. So, we just had those labs done and are waiting on the results. 

In other good news, Paul is getting his hair washed & cut right now. He has only had a shampoo cap these past three weeks as he couldn't (and still can't) get the ports in his neck wet. So, we may be visiting the salon more often for a shampoo :)

Thank you for all of your words of encouragement, support & prayers yesterday (and everyday)!

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