Wednesday, March 11, 2015


We have all had trials in our lives.  We have had highs and lows.  We have been to the tops of the mountains and to the bottom of what seems to be the lowest valleys. 

I can recall numerous times, when talking to friends in those valleys, asking...
Why you?
Why does it have to be this hard?
Why have you been through so much?
When will this end for you?
You deserve a break!
And, there are times in this journey where those thoughts have come to mind - especially considering our last 7-8 months:
July 2014 - I was diagnosed with cervical cancer
September 2014 - Hysterectomy to "cure" cervical cancer
February 2015 - Paul - Toxic Shock / me - Job Loss
As I look at what we have been through, I can definitely see where the questions would come up:
Why us?
One more thing...Why?
We have been through so much.
When is this going to end?
It is then that I realize a very different set of questions:

Why not us?
No one deserves this.  But, if someone is going to get it, what makes us so special to not get it?
It makes me think about the Old Testament Book of Job.  And, please know - I am NOT comparing us to Job.  Job was a righteous man.  He had deep faith in God and followed all of His commands.  We cannot compare the way we have lived our lives to the way Job lived his life.  So, seeing the TOTAL LOSS that Job endured, my question is - Why not us?  What would make us so special that we should not endure loss, pain, struggle?  But, I also know that God is with us - every step of the way.
Isaiah 40:26-31 (GNB):
Look up at the sky!  Who created the stars you see?
The one who leads them out like an army, he knows how many there are and calls each one by name!
His power is so great - not one of them is ever missing!
Israel, why then do you complain that the Lord doesn't know your troubles or care if you suffer injustice?
Don't you know?  Haven't you heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God; he created all the world.
He never grows tired or weary.  No one understands his thoughts.  He strengthens those who are weak and tired. 
Even those who are young grow weak; young people can fall exhausted.
But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed.
They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.
Two of my other favorite verses are (there are so many to choose from!):
Jeremiah 29:11-13
Philippians 4:6
So, our new questions are:
What are Your plans for us?
How can we use these trials to glorify You?
How can we help others see You?
While we have some low moments, we can truly see all that God has provided!
I am cured of cancer
Paul is alive and improving every day
My job situation will work itself out - right now, I need to be patient
Here are two songs that have helped us through this time:
Kari Jobe - I Am Not Alone -
Matthew West - Strong Enough -
I come to You today in thanksgiving!  You have provided and continue to provide for all of us.  While I know You didn't make any of these things happen, I also know You will bring beauty out of these crises - and You already have! 
Thank You for walking with us on each and every step of this journey.  While others see me as strong, I know that strength comes only from You.  You have shown me the steps.  You have provided the path.  And, You have carried me through - each and every step of the way.
Heavenly Father, we know You have a plan for us.  We also know Your will, Your plan and Your timing is always perfect.  I pray You help us keep our eyes, minds and hearts open to fully know Your plan. 
In Jesus' Name,

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