Monday, March 9, 2015

Paul: 3/9 - Morning Report

Paul had a pretty good night last night and a few really good days!  He has had many visitors which has lifted his spirits - especially our little ones! 

Kidneys - Praising God for the urine output!!!  They say the first step to healing kidneys is making urine & the second is the filter. So, now we are praying for complete healing which means the filter kicks in. 

Strength - Paul walked over 4000 steps yesterday!  He also got off-floor privileges so we went around the hospital, including chapel. So grateful for all of these improvements!

Discharge - we learned this morning that Paul cannot be discharged until his kidney function (filter) is stable. The numbers do not need to be perfect, just stable. Then, we can move to outpatient care. 

Please continue to pray for kidneys - specifically for the filter to kick in. 

You are all amazing!!  Thank you for your love, support & prayers!  God is always good!  And, we are forever thankful!

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