Monday, March 2, 2015

Paul: 3/2 - Evening Report

Paul has an exhausting day - all good, just a really big day.  Here is the rundown:
- Catheter Removed
- Feeding Tube Removed
- Able to have "clear liquids" which included two popsicles 
- Hemodialysis - 3.5 hours of a faster dialysis where they pulled off 4 lbs of excess fluid
- Changed room - now out of ICU. 

I am exhausted, and I didn't do all the work. 

The good news is that I have my own chair/bed in his room so I can be near him. Amen to that!

Still need prayers for kidneys, strength & clarity of mind. 

Praise God for all of the positive activity today!  What a way to start a new week!  

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