Monday, March 23, 2015

Paul: 3/22-23 Report

We had a really good weekend. Paul was able to get some good sleep and enjoy the NCAA Tournament. 

Today is another dialysis day. He was a bit disappointed that he didn't get the call to come in early. He likes getting it out of the way so he can have the rest of the day open.  With all that I have going on today, it was actually a blessing to have him go during his regular schedule. God is always good!

Now that things are settling back into a new normal, we are pulling all of the names together for thank you notes. We are so very appreciative for all that everyone has done. Truly, your generosity is beyond compare!  We are so very blessed to have you all in our lives. 

I do want to share a few very special thank yous. We have had tons of family support during the weekdays and weekends. Both our parents, sisters & families have spent as much time as possible here with us (David, Carol, Paul, Kimberly, Craig, Jordan, Taylor, Mike & Laura, Bella & Luke, Alicia & Ryan & baby Will).

To Tammy: you stopped your world for over 3 weeks to help keep our children in a normal routine when our world was anything but normal. You helping there allowed me to be with Paul. I don't have the words to express how truly thankful I am for you!  

To Paul's mom, Patti: You stopped your life for over four weeks to help us at the hospital and help at the house. Thank you also does not come close to expressing how much your help means to me. I know it was difficult leaving yesterday, as when you got here - we had no idea what the outcome would be. God has been so very good to us in healing Paul. He will see us the rest of the way through this. 

To Lisa: Thank you for taking the week off of work to help me this week!  It is great having you here both for the help, and for your friendship!!  

To Alison: thank you for setting up the meal train!  We cannot thank you enough for helping with that!  We have not had to think about meals since this all started - truly, thank you to you and all who have signed up & sent meals and gift cards!  So appreciated!

To Serena:  thank you for setting up the GoFundMe account on behalf of the HBA-IN EC.  We are truly overwhelmed by the generosity!  Thank you for making this available and thank you to all those who donated!

We have many more people to thank & will add those to future updates.

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