Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Paul: 3/17 Morning Report

Paul had another great night of sleep last night! I guess it's official - I have lost my side of the bed smile emoticon.
What we are learning is that outpatient dialysis is very different that inpatient dialysis. Paul will not be getting labs as often as he did in the hospital. And, it takes 48 hours to get the results. So, while I was hoping to know Paul's numbers when I picked him up on Monday afternoon, I will likely not see them until I pick him up on Wednesday. I am praying for patience with this change as I know they know what they are doing - and Paul is doing GREAT! There is something comforting about knowing the numbers immediately (not that I can control any of it, just like knowing the information).
After dialysis yesterday, I dropped Paul off at home with his mom & the kids and I went to an HBA meeting. It was so wonderful seeing these amazing women! I was able to get many hugs and lots of support. It was a true blessing to be there! 
And, while I was gone, Paul took another walk around the subdivision. We didn't get to 10,000 steps, but he did get some even after a 4 hour dialysis run - WooHoo!
We are deciding what to do with this glorious day! One thing is for sure - our itty bittys need a BATH! So, we will do that first and get the family dressed in green.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to All!!! Much Love!

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