Monday, March 30, 2015

Paul: 3/30 - Report

Paul had a really good weekend (well, other than the ND loss). My parents (David & Carol) came in town and our nephew Jordan drove in. It was a nice weekend spending time with family!

Paul got the call to come in early for dialysis today. While that is usually a good thing because Paul likes to go early, we don't have any one staying with us this week. So Paul drove himself to dialysis this morning. While I am not worried about the morning trip, I am worried about him driving home after dialysis. I know others do this, it's just not something we have had to worry about because of our amazing family & friends!  He will call me when it is over and, if he is tired, we will go & get him. 

We also have practice for Holy Thursday services tonight. Looking forward to going and to having Paul present the Oil of the Sick at mass on Thursday. What a true honor to be asked. We personally have seen the power of prayer!  

This Holy Week has an even deeper meaning to us this year. We have witnessed God work miracles in Paul!

For it is by God's grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God's gift, so that no one can boast about it. (Ephesians 2:8-9 GNB)

My prayer this Holy Week is both for the complete healing for Paul's kidneys and for all of us to continue to deepen our relationship with Christ. He died on the cross so that each & every one of us could have the opportunity to go to Heaven. 

If you believe God saved Paul because He has great plans for him (like I do), it shouldn't be hard to believe that God also has great plans for you!  

If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved. For it is by our faith that we are put right with God; it is by our confession that we are saved. The scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” This includes everyone, because there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles; God is the same Lord of all and richly blesses all who call to him. As the scripture says, “Everyone who calls out to the Lord for help will be saved.” (Romans 10:9-13 GNB)

Friday, March 27, 2015

Paul: 3/27 Report

Paul has had a good few days!  He was elated to talk with the people at dialysis today. They were excited about his kidney function improvement. They think he is close to being done with dialysis - PRAISE GOD!!!!!

We will enjoy a relaxing weekend with our family and hope for a great set of numbers next Monday (results on Wednesday). 

Paulie is on Spring Break so we will see what fun we can have this next week with all of the kiddos. 

We hope everyone has a great weekend!!  Go ND!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Paul: 3/24-3/25 Updates

We do have a few updates on Paul​ today.

First here are the numbers:
Paul's creatnine came down from 8.3 last week to 4.9 this week - Praise God!!!  While that is still too high (normal is 0.6 to 1.3 and he was at 1.05 in December), at least we are moving in the right direction!  These are the lowest numbers we have seen since he was on the slow, continuous dialysis at the hospital.  Truly - Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him!

The numbers relating to his diet (sodium, potassium, phosphorus) are all still in the normal range, but are up a bit from last week (and that was before the cupcakes Paul ate :)).  We will need to keep an eye on his diet to ensure we keep those numbers in the normal range.

Weight - He was down to 202.  He was up to 203 today (probably due to the aforementioned cupcake eating).  They are still pulling a little fluid during the dialysis to see what Paul's true "dry weight" is.

Strength - Paul walked over 10,000 steps again yesterday!  And, got me motivated to get off of my butt and do the same - thank you!  And thank you to John​ & Julie​ and Larry & Becky​ for the FitBit challenge.  While we will lose the challenge - we will be more active this week than weeks prior!

Paul will also go to physical therapy next week for an assessment on what he can do besides walking.  I think that will help him start to feel stronger, too.

We did go back to see his Primary Care doctor yesterday (a different doctor than the one he saw originally with all of this).  We were able to update him on all that has happened these past four weeks.  He will see Paul again in about 7 weeks to follow-up.

We truly cannot thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Our Prayer Requests are:
 - Full Healing of the Kidneys
 - Patience in this process
 - Keeping our eyes & focus on all the blessings God has provided (On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand - All Other Ground is Sinking Sand)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Paul: 3/22-23 Report

We had a really good weekend. Paul was able to get some good sleep and enjoy the NCAA Tournament. 

Today is another dialysis day. He was a bit disappointed that he didn't get the call to come in early. He likes getting it out of the way so he can have the rest of the day open.  With all that I have going on today, it was actually a blessing to have him go during his regular schedule. God is always good!

Now that things are settling back into a new normal, we are pulling all of the names together for thank you notes. We are so very appreciative for all that everyone has done. Truly, your generosity is beyond compare!  We are so very blessed to have you all in our lives. 

I do want to share a few very special thank yous. We have had tons of family support during the weekdays and weekends. Both our parents, sisters & families have spent as much time as possible here with us (David, Carol, Paul, Kimberly, Craig, Jordan, Taylor, Mike & Laura, Bella & Luke, Alicia & Ryan & baby Will).

To Tammy: you stopped your world for over 3 weeks to help keep our children in a normal routine when our world was anything but normal. You helping there allowed me to be with Paul. I don't have the words to express how truly thankful I am for you!  

To Paul's mom, Patti: You stopped your life for over four weeks to help us at the hospital and help at the house. Thank you also does not come close to expressing how much your help means to me. I know it was difficult leaving yesterday, as when you got here - we had no idea what the outcome would be. God has been so very good to us in healing Paul. He will see us the rest of the way through this. 

To Lisa: Thank you for taking the week off of work to help me this week!  It is great having you here both for the help, and for your friendship!!  

To Alison: thank you for setting up the meal train!  We cannot thank you enough for helping with that!  We have not had to think about meals since this all started - truly, thank you to you and all who have signed up & sent meals and gift cards!  So appreciated!

To Serena:  thank you for setting up the GoFundMe account on behalf of the HBA-IN EC.  We are truly overwhelmed by the generosity!  Thank you for making this available and thank you to all those who donated!

We have many more people to thank & will add those to future updates.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Paul: 3/21 Report

Paul didn't sleep that well last night. I think it was because he was excited about his morning. He took Paulie to his Saturday morning (6am) basketball game. While Paul is not in any shape to play, he wanted to go to say goodbye to a friend who is moving to South Bend. 

This was a big deal for a few reasons:
1-this is the first time Paul drove. He has felt confident in his ability to drive - this was the first time he actually did it. He said he felt good which is great news!!  
2-He also got a sense of just how many people have been praying for him. He was amazed both by the number of people and by how they found out. I still don't think either of us truly have a clue as to just how many people have been following us and praying with us through this journey. We are forever grateful!

The rest of the day should be a good one for us. Paul's parents are here with us. We are looking forward to family time, basketball & church. Today is the feast day for St. Benedict - the Patron Saint of kidney disease.

We were also honored to be asked to participate in the Holy Thursday services. They have asked us to present the Oil of the Sick. We are hoping Paul feels good enough to do that himself. If not, I will step in on his behalf. 

I will update the blog with more thankfulness posts. I started this in November and allowed busyness to get in the way of saying thank you. I will be sprinkling those in these next few days. 

Our prayers continue to be for kidneys and for patience. And, I am sure there will be many conflicting prayers being said tonight during the Butler v ND game. I hope it's a great game with a Butler victory!  

Friday, March 20, 2015

Paul: 3/19-20 Update

Phew!  Yesterday was a busy day!

Paul​ had a great day off dialysis!  He was able to spend a good day with his mom and the kids.  He feels so much better on his non-dialysis days.

He was able to run a few errands with his mom and the itty bittys.  While he hasn't driven yet, just getting out of the house to go somewhere outside of dialysis is always good for him.

I spent the day with my amazing AWL friends!  I will be adding a separate post in my blog later today about how blessed I am for the amazing women God has placed in my life (Alpha Phi, HBA, WLC, AWL, Zionsville, NW Indiana, Family - and so many more)!

I was able to listen to the end of the Butler game - that was too close for comfort!  We are looking forward to being a house divided tomorrow night when Butler plays ND.  Hoping for a great game and a Butler Bulldogs​ win!  Go DAWGS!!!

We then went to Paulie's baseball practice. It was the first one outside, so Paul and I were able to walk around the fields while Paulie was practicing.  We stopped to watch him play quite a bit. He is definitely getting better and having a blast!

Paul did step on the scale yesterday morning and was at an all-time low (well at least in our marriage) - 207!  It looks like he's got that weight loss challenge in the bag!

Today, they are challenging his kidneys to see if they can remove some additional fluid.  While Paul is at his lowest weight, that doesn't mean there isn't still some extra fluid needing to be removed.  I am leaving to pick him up soon, so we will see how that went.

We are looking forward to a great evening of basketball and family time!  Thank you all for continuing your prayers & support.  We are ever so grateful for you!

We are continuing our prayers for:
- Complete healing of kidneys
- Patience in the process

As Paul and I talk about this journey, we realize this story is truly a story the Power of God, His Grace and His Glory!  We are blessed to be able to share His story through our experiences to show He is a Living & Loving God!  And we are thankful to be "living" proof of His Great Grace!

One new song to share - Hawk Nelson - Drops in the Ocean

Been listening to this song on repeat!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Paul: 3/18 - Full Day Report

Today was a very full day!
Paul​ walked Paulie to the bus and then we received a call to go early to dialysis.  We were somewhat looking forward to dialysis today - well, at least getting Paul's numbers.  And - they are looking better!  Hallelujah!

Paul's creating was still 8.5, but considering that was before dialysis on Monday, that is a good number.  We were thinking it might be up near 12 as that was what it was on Friday.

All of his other numbers are looking much better.  Sodium, Calcium, Potassium & Phosphorus were all within normal range.  That was good news for me as that means the diet I am feeding him is working and his kidneys are keeping the numbers in a good range.  Praise God!

There are still some numbers out of range - both due to the kidney injury & due to his seasonal allergies.  These are to be expected, but we will keep an eye on them (well, the doctor will keep an eye on them :)).

Paul is continuing to lose weight.  He is down to 211lbs - with shoes on.  The good news is the dietitian is willing to let Paul have some donuts!!  He is looking forward to adding a few lbs back with a trip to Dunkin Donuts!

We are praying for another good day tomorrow.  I am planning on spending the day at Butler (last month, I was at Butler when I received the call to come home and all of this ordeal started).

Thank you all for your prayers & support!  We cannot tell you how much we truly appreciate it!  We are forever grateful!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

God is good - Always!

God is good - Always!  And, when I say always, I mean always.  God's greatness is not wrapped up in any outcome / any result.  God's greatness is beyond measure.

Psalm 18:30 (CEB):  God!  His way is perfect; the Lord's word is tried and true.  He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.

Why am I writing about this?  And, why now?

Remember the night I broke down?  I came home and wrapped my arms around my sister and cried.  As we stood there, I said - 

"I know God has a plan.  But, what if His plan is not healing Paul?  What if Paul doesn't wake up?  I trust God.  I believe in Him and know He will make beauty out of any crisis.  Can we please pray that whatever God's plan is today, that He makes His plan a full recovery for Paul?"

So, we prayed. We prayed for God's plan to be Paul's full recovery.  We prayed that God would provide all of us with His "peace beyond understanding."  And, we continued praying boldly.  Boldly for healing. Boldly for God's plan to be complete recovery.  Boldly for peace...

Philippians 4:6-7 (GNB):  Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart.  And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.

As Paul and I were heading to dialysis yesterday, we talked about this.  We discussed God's greatness - and how that wouldn't change even if Paul didn't "wake up." How we prayed boldly for God's plan to be for Paul's complete recovery, but that was never guaranteed.  Regardless - God is now and always will be faithful, all-knowing, all-powerful and ever-loving.

It probably seems easy for me to share this now considering we have come out of the darkest hours of this journey.  Please know I wanted to share this earlier, but there was a part of me that was fearful to write this down.  I know that may seem quite silly (and I feel silly writing it), but there was part of me that didn't want to put that down as I felt it would have been me giving up on Him.  Giving into my fears of what might come and focusing on a negative outcome.  So, while I didn't write it, I was so very thankful for my sister to be able to talk about it.   

I am also very thankful that God helped me keep my eyes and vision on Paul's complete healing.  Whenever my mind would shift to something other than that, I felt a gentle nudge away from those thoughts.  During one of our recent conversations, Paul asked where I would have buried him.  (I hope you never have to have that conversation with your loved ones!!).  I was able to share - my mind NEVER went there.  When I would think of any part of my life without Paul, God would gently bring me back to full healing.  He would show me walking out of the hospital with Paul, hand-in-hand, coming home to our children.

I have a few friends in the middle of deep crises right now.  Their outcomes are definitely not positive.  We have been praying for God's peace beyond understanding to help them through these difficult times.   I also received the best advice from a friend a few years ago that fits during times like these.  

Cry out to God.  Tell Him how you feel.  Yell about the situation.  
God can handle your anger.  God knows your pain.  
He is crying with you and for you.

Psalm 23:4 (NLT):  Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.  Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

While I cannot say that I didn't ever fear, I did always know that God would see us through that valley - regardless of the outcome.


We are forever grateful for Your amazing blessings and miracles in healing Paul.  You have healed his mind, his heart, his lungs, his liver, his skin.  You have already started the healing of his kidneys.  You woke him up with a prayerful and thankful heart - seeking a closer relationship with You.  

That said, Your greatness is not dependent on that outcome.  You are ALWAYS great!  You are ALWAYS faithful.  You will help each of us come through the darkest valleys and see something beautiful come out of the chaos.  And, You are ALWAYS with us!

Father, please stay close to those who are in the middle of those valleys.  Please hold them in Your Arms and help them to feel Your Presence.  Please help them to know Your peace beyond understanding.  

In Jesus' Name, 


Paul: 3/17 Morning Report

Paul had another great night of sleep last night! I guess it's official - I have lost my side of the bed smile emoticon.
What we are learning is that outpatient dialysis is very different that inpatient dialysis. Paul will not be getting labs as often as he did in the hospital. And, it takes 48 hours to get the results. So, while I was hoping to know Paul's numbers when I picked him up on Monday afternoon, I will likely not see them until I pick him up on Wednesday. I am praying for patience with this change as I know they know what they are doing - and Paul is doing GREAT! There is something comforting about knowing the numbers immediately (not that I can control any of it, just like knowing the information).
After dialysis yesterday, I dropped Paul off at home with his mom & the kids and I went to an HBA meeting. It was so wonderful seeing these amazing women! I was able to get many hugs and lots of support. It was a true blessing to be there! 
And, while I was gone, Paul took another walk around the subdivision. We didn't get to 10,000 steps, but he did get some even after a 4 hour dialysis run - WooHoo!
We are deciding what to do with this glorious day! One thing is for sure - our itty bittys need a BATH! So, we will do that first and get the family dressed in green.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to All!!! Much Love!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Paul: 3/15&16 Report

Yesterday was a good & busy day!

While we wanted to go to church, we all thought it might be too soon. So, Busia & Papa took Sarah to church, and Paul and I stayed home with the boys. 

Paul shaved-which is great because I shaved him last time. Let's just say I will not be pursuing that as my next career 😜. 

Paulie had baseball practice at 1:30, so the four of us went there. Paul and I were getting some steps in while Noah was trying to chase us. It was lots of fun. And, it was fun to watch Paulie practice!

When we got home, Paul and I were able to take a walk around the subdivision and both get our 10,000 steps for the day!  Praise God for healing Paul!

The best news of all is that Paul had a great night sleep last night!  

Today is another day of dialysis. Since this is outpatient, I am not sure what news I will hear. If I get more info, I will post. 

One last note - What we were not expecting is the significant weight loss. Paul went into the hospital at 235lbs. Yesterday, he was down to 214lbs. We will talk with the dietitian as he needs to increase his calorie count while keeping the other chemicals/minerals below the threshold. 

Our prayer today is that Paul's kidneys kick in by Spring Break. While we know our plans for Great Wolf Lodge are changed, we would love to visit family or go somewhere that week. We are praying Paul will be done with dialysis by then. While the kidneys do not have a timeline, we are asking God for this additional miracle!  

Thank you all!  Much love! 😘❤️🙏

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Paul: 3/14 - Morning Report

We have a busy morning!  Paulie has a 2-on-2 basketball game. He won the first game & is having tons of fun!

I have to leave here soon as Paul has his first outpatient dialysis today - a 4-hour run. He isn't very excited about the 4-hours but he is happy to be home. 

We are getting settled into our new normal. We still aren't sleeping very well, but we are getting some each night. Just so grateful we get to sleep next to each other again!  

Praising God for all of His miracles!  Asking for one more - full healing of Paul's kidneys!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Paul: 3/13 - Evening Report

We have had a very busy & interesting day. 

Paul had his labs drawn today. His Creatnine, BUN & GFR are still not good, but the other numbers are looking better - so, we are waiting until tomorrow for dialysis. He will then be on a Mon-Wed-Fri schedule until his filter kicks back in. 

He got a shampoo & a hair cut today so he looks like my handsome husband again!  That made him feel good!  So glad we made the time to do that today. 

We also went to fill out all of the paperwork at the dialysis center - it was almost as much as buying a new house. We are so grateful that the nurse was awesome and put Paul at ease. And, the doctor following him there is the first kidney doctor that saw him in the ICU. We are truly blessed to have her there as she knows his entire history. 

While at the dialysis center, I also talked to the dietitian and she gave us great meal options. Praising God for that help as I have been STRESSED about what to feed Paul. 

Thank you all for your prayers & support yesterday (& every day through this journey). I truly needed them as I was feeling out of control.  Since I haven't been in control of any of this, it should have been okay - but I tried to take it back. I know God has this and He will see us through. Thank you for that reminder 😘❤️🙏. 

Paul: 3/13 - Home, Labs & Haircut!

Paul came home last night. While that is a complete blessing, it is also very nerve-racking. For three weeks, Paul has had doctors, nurses, pharmacists, techs, dietitians, etc. I was able to be his wife while these other professionals took care of him. As of yesterday, I have to take on all of those roles - the best I can with the information they gave me. And, I don't feel equipped. 

I was thankful the kidney doctor agreed to Paul having a blood test today to check all of his levels. I was not going to let him come home without it. So, we just had those labs done and are waiting on the results. 

In other good news, Paul is getting his hair washed & cut right now. He has only had a shampoo cap these past three weeks as he couldn't (and still can't) get the ports in his neck wet. So, we may be visiting the salon more often for a shampoo :)

Thank you for all of your words of encouragement, support & prayers yesterday (and everyday)!

Paul: 3/12-Paul is coming home & I am freaking out!

So, I guess the delay was that they are willing to discharge Paul today. While I am excited, I am also freaking out. I definitely want him home, but I don't know what to do. 
What do I look out for?
What do I feed him?
What can he do?

Yesterday, he needed dialysis. 

Today, they are willing to wait until Saturday. 

I know they know what they are doing but I don't know what I am doing. 

I trust God will see us through this, but right now, I'm really freaking out!

Please pray.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Paul: 3/12 - discharge??

So, I guess the delay was that they are willing to discharge Paul today. While I am excited, I am also freaking out. I definitely want him home, but I don't know what to do. 
What do I look out for?
What do I feed him?
What can he do?

Yesterday, he needed dialysis. 

Today, they are willing to wait until Saturday. 

I know they know what they are doing but I don't know what I am doing. 

I trust God will see us through this, but right now, I'm really freaking out!

Please pray.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


We have all had trials in our lives.  We have had highs and lows.  We have been to the tops of the mountains and to the bottom of what seems to be the lowest valleys. 

I can recall numerous times, when talking to friends in those valleys, asking...
Why you?
Why does it have to be this hard?
Why have you been through so much?
When will this end for you?
You deserve a break!
And, there are times in this journey where those thoughts have come to mind - especially considering our last 7-8 months:
July 2014 - I was diagnosed with cervical cancer
September 2014 - Hysterectomy to "cure" cervical cancer
February 2015 - Paul - Toxic Shock / me - Job Loss
As I look at what we have been through, I can definitely see where the questions would come up:
Why us?
One more thing...Why?
We have been through so much.
When is this going to end?
It is then that I realize a very different set of questions:

Why not us?
No one deserves this.  But, if someone is going to get it, what makes us so special to not get it?
It makes me think about the Old Testament Book of Job.  And, please know - I am NOT comparing us to Job.  Job was a righteous man.  He had deep faith in God and followed all of His commands.  We cannot compare the way we have lived our lives to the way Job lived his life.  So, seeing the TOTAL LOSS that Job endured, my question is - Why not us?  What would make us so special that we should not endure loss, pain, struggle?  But, I also know that God is with us - every step of the way.
Isaiah 40:26-31 (GNB):
Look up at the sky!  Who created the stars you see?
The one who leads them out like an army, he knows how many there are and calls each one by name!
His power is so great - not one of them is ever missing!
Israel, why then do you complain that the Lord doesn't know your troubles or care if you suffer injustice?
Don't you know?  Haven't you heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God; he created all the world.
He never grows tired or weary.  No one understands his thoughts.  He strengthens those who are weak and tired. 
Even those who are young grow weak; young people can fall exhausted.
But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed.
They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.
Two of my other favorite verses are (there are so many to choose from!):
Jeremiah 29:11-13
Philippians 4:6
So, our new questions are:
What are Your plans for us?
How can we use these trials to glorify You?
How can we help others see You?
While we have some low moments, we can truly see all that God has provided!
I am cured of cancer
Paul is alive and improving every day
My job situation will work itself out - right now, I need to be patient
Here are two songs that have helped us through this time:
Kari Jobe - I Am Not Alone -
Matthew West - Strong Enough -
I come to You today in thanksgiving!  You have provided and continue to provide for all of us.  While I know You didn't make any of these things happen, I also know You will bring beauty out of these crises - and You already have! 
Thank You for walking with us on each and every step of this journey.  While others see me as strong, I know that strength comes only from You.  You have shown me the steps.  You have provided the path.  And, You have carried me through - each and every step of the way.
Heavenly Father, we know You have a plan for us.  We also know Your will, Your plan and Your timing is always perfect.  I pray You help us keep our eyes, minds and hearts open to fully know Your plan. 
In Jesus' Name,

Paul: 3/11 - Afternoon Update

We received the labs back. The Creatnine & BUN are pretty stable from the early morning labs, which is good. 

That said, the potassium is higher than they like and they want to do a quick dialysis run to help correct that. So, while Paul needs dialysis, it's only a 2 hour run. 

The other news is that his hemoglobin & iron are both low. So, he is getting an Procrit shot every day and is now on an IV iron drip (that was a bit disappointing as he hasn't had an IV in for a few days). 

We know that God is amazing and He continues to work miracles in Paul. As we are nearing 3 weeks in the hospital, there are low moments. We are looking for answers where there aren't any. And, while we can see the positives, sometimes the seemingly negatives or setbacks hit harder than they should. We know this is normal. We know we are so close to full recovery. And, we know that God is always with us.  

Thank you for your prayers & support. We feel we are so close to the end of this "pothole" in our journey together.  We just pray God fills it in soon 🙏😘❤️

Paul: 3/11 - Morning Report

Paul truly wants to go home. It is tough being here for three weeks. He misses our little ones and his normal routine. He misses his strength (although, he did get 8,000+ steps yesterday). 

Kidneys:  he is making lots of urine. I mean LOTS of urine. That is the good news.
The difficult news is that his Creatnine continues to rise 2 days post dialysis. So, we assumed he was going back to dialysis this morning as his Creatnine went up from 7.7 to 10.4. But, you have heard what happens when you assume...

The doctor came in and said some of the other kidney numbers look like they might be stabilizing. So, he is taking another blood sample at 11am and determining if Paul needs a shorter dialysis today or wait until tomorrow. He believes some of the Creatnine increase can also be due to all of Paul's activity. 

I also asked what happens when Paul comes home, if he still needs dialysis. He was very reassuring that he does not believe this will be a long term need (no guarantees, but doesn't expect that to be the case). 
While I have truly felt God showing us the same thing, it is nice to have the doctors confirm that belief.

One last update - we are looking into the potential for Paul to come home before his kidneys are perfect and moving to outpatient "acute" dialysis. Insurance usually prefers inpatient dialysis, but we are checking. 

So, prayers for today:
1-11am labs show improvements
2-kidney filter kicks in fully
3-if needed, we can go home and finish this in outpatient dialysis 

Thank you for your prayers!  Will update when we get results of 11am draw. Might be closer to 1pm by the time we get the results.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Paul: 3/10 - Daily Update

Thank you all for your continued checking in on Paul's progress!  

We pray today is a stable day. Paul had dialysis yesterday, so his kidney numbers came back down. The prayer is that they stay down tomorrow. That is the big day to show if the filter is kicking back in. If you have a moment today, please pray for Paul's kidneys - specifically for that filter!  

Father - You have already performed many miracles in the healing of Paul. 
You have healed his mind. 
You have healed his heart. 
You have healed his lungs. 
You have healed his liver. 
You have increased his strength. 
And, You have started healing his kidneys. 

Father, I am praying boldly that You please provide complete healing for Paul. And, if I can be so bold, I pray You please place Your hands on his kidneys today and finish the healing You have already started. 

God, I know You have a plan for Paul. I know Your plan, Your will and Your timing is always perfect. So, please also help us continue to come to You in thanksgiving for all You have already provided and with patience for the healing yet to come. 

In Jesus' Name,


Monday, March 9, 2015

Paul: 3/9 - Morning Report

Paul had a pretty good night last night and a few really good days!  He has had many visitors which has lifted his spirits - especially our little ones! 

Kidneys - Praising God for the urine output!!!  They say the first step to healing kidneys is making urine & the second is the filter. So, now we are praying for complete healing which means the filter kicks in. 

Strength - Paul walked over 4000 steps yesterday!  He also got off-floor privileges so we went around the hospital, including chapel. So grateful for all of these improvements!

Discharge - we learned this morning that Paul cannot be discharged until his kidney function (filter) is stable. The numbers do not need to be perfect, just stable. Then, we can move to outpatient care. 

Please continue to pray for kidneys - specifically for the filter to kick in. 

You are all amazing!!  Thank you for your love, support & prayers!  God is always good!  And, we are forever thankful!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Paul: 3/8 - Day Report

Paul had the best night sleep thus far!!!  He woke up with an appetite and wanting to run around the hospital!  Praise God!!

Kidneys - his Creatnine did come down a bit more to 7.5. Since he has dialysis 2 days in a row and the first day had such a great drop, I am not sure what we were to expect. He is making more urine which is good news. 

Strength - Fitbit on and he is walking!  He already has 1000+ steps today and is waiting on me for another walk around the unit. Hallelujah!!!

Blessed - we truly cannot thank everyone enough. Some have asked for the GoFundMe link: We truly are overwhelmed by all the love, support & prayers. 
Much love to you all!! 😘❤️ 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Paul: 3/7 - Morning Report

Paul had a really good night and he had great sleep. 

Kidneys - yesterday morning, his Creatnine was 12, so we knew he needed dialysis. The nephrologist wanted him to also have dialysis today as he didn't want Paul to go 2 days without dialysis. This morning, his Creatnine was down to 8!!!  And, his dialysis went very well - they were able to remove another 6 lbs of fluid - AMEN!!!!

Everything else is going well. His strength is improving and so is his spirit. He is looking forward to seeing the kids today. He has FaceTimed with them, but this time, he will actually see them!  Praise God!

We also want to thank everyone for the cards, notes, food, GoFundMe donations & prayers!  We are overwhelmed by your support & generosity!  We are Blessed Beyond Belief!  

Friday, March 6, 2015

Paul: 3/6 - Afternoon Report

Paul had a busy morning. 

We are still waiting on those kidneys to wake up. His Creatnine was 12 so dialysis was a must. Those are Paul's least favorite four hours of the day!

He will also have dialysis tomorrow to help the Creatnine come down.  He is not looking forward to that!

During those 4 hours, I was able to go home & shower (that was also a must)!  I hung out with our little two and spent some time with a couple of friends (thank you for visiting!). I also went to school to have lunch with Paulie. It was great seeing their smiling faces!  

I was able to bring Paul's Fitbit to the hospital. While we can't personally do much about the kidneys, we can focus on his strength. So, he will have that back on and we will start counting steps😃.

Hopefully, PT or OT will be in soon as Paul is jumping at the chance to get moving!💪

We also had a visit from one of the ICU doctors. He just wanted to see how Paul was progressing. We are truly blessed to continue to have such great care!

Praising God for His amazing miracles!  He continues to move mountains and heal Paul's body. We pray for his kidneys to wake up, so we can all be back home as a family. 

Thank you all! 😘❤️🙏

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Paul: 3/5-Evening Report

Today was another good day for Paul!  

Lungs - he is completely on room air - no oxygen needed. 

Liver, platelets, white count - all normal.

Done with antibiotics & steroids. 

Only line left in him is for dialysis. 

Rash has completely healed. 

Your specific prayers have been answered. I hope you can feel the power of prayer!  It has worked!  

I received a message from a neighbor who has been praying with his daughter for Paul. When he told her Paul was doing better, she said "Wow!  I think our prayers worked!"  Yes, they did!  They really did!  

Tomorrow - we will see what Paul's labs look like. He will likely need hemodialysis tomorrow and will not likely be discharged before mid-week next week. This will allow him to get stronger and allow the doctors to watch his kidneys.

As I lay here tonight in the cot next to Paul, I am truly thankful.  I am thankful for all of you!  And, I am thankful for God's decision to bring Paul back to us. Fourteen days ago, we were in the ICU praying for Paul to live. Tonight, I was able to kiss him goodnight. We have the rest of our lives together and we will be thankful for each and every minute - as we know tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Paul: 3/5 - Afternoon Update.

I think these updates will be afternoon & evening as the mornings seem to be full of activity.  Here is today's update. 

Paul is still having trouble sleeping through the night. He is getting some sleep, but he hasn't had a full night sleep. He has gotten in a few naps here & there. 

Strength - Paul was working with occupational therapy today. He did such a good job!  He was taking laps around the unit and felt great!  We are hoping PT will also come in and work with him today. 

Central Line - they were able to pull the central line today - Amen!  One less line to worry about. 

Kidneys - Creatnine is just below 9. While that is really high, the doctor was pleased with the drop. The question will be what tomorrow's labs look like. With Paul making urine, we are hoping the increase is minor. 

Discharge - while Paul feels better, he is still not ready to come home. I know he was hoping to leave tomorrow; however, the doctor confirmed that is not possible. We are hoping maybe sometime next week / weekend. That would still be ~3 weeks.  All considering, 3 weeks is nothing!

With all of that, the three prayer requests are:
- Kidneys
- Strength
- Patience on discharge

We truly feel the love, support & prayers!  I've given Paul this mantra:
God's got this
This setback is temporary 
Our love is forever ❤️

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Paul: 3/4 - Evening Report

Another amazing day for Paul!!  Hallelujah!!

Lungs - He was able to spend most of the day off of oxygen. They are monitoring him overnight without the oxygen to see how he does - Praise God for healing Paul's lungs!

Central Line - coming out tomorrow. Infectious Disease is very happy with Paul's progress. And, Paul is happy to have one more line removed from his body - Amen!

PT - Paul was able to stand & walk (with a walker). He probably could walk without the walker, but we are taking baby steps. No need to wear him out too soon. He is focused on his recovery and building his strength. Wants to still beat the boys in the weight loss challenge. 

Kidneys - still needing prayers for healing. His Creatnine was over 10 this morning. Paul went back to hemodialysis and did really well. Praying for those kidneys to kick in!  The good news is that Paul is now consistently making urine :).

We cannot thank everyone enough for your prayers & support!  We also learned that some friends have started a GoFundMe site as we know these hospital bills will be pretty pricey. We are truly grateful for those who have already donated. Brought us to tears!  

Will send report in the morning. Thank you all again!  Hope you all have a great night!

Paul: 3/4 - Morning & Afternoon Report

So sorry for the delay in the morning report. It has been a busy morning. 

First, Paul cannot thank you all enough for your prayers & support. When he woke up around 1am, he started reading the Facebook posts, texts, messages, etc. He is truly overwhelmed by the love you have all shared. Truly, thank you!

So, sleep was at a minimum last night. Maybe 4 hours, but that is still more than the past few days. 

He was able to eat a small breakfast and then was taken down for dialysis. 

Kidneys - still need prayers there. His Creatnine was above 10 this morning. Again, the goal is below 1.5. While he is making urine, the kidneys haven't started filtering yet. Please pray those kick in. 

PT/OT - we hope he will have the strength to do one or both today. He wants to be able to sit up in bed and stand to get to a chair. While we see his amazing improvements, he still thinks of himself as the 5 day/week basketball machine that he was before this started. He has made such progress this far!  Praying God provides him with patience and peace. 

Diet - Paul is also advanced to a regular diet - woohoo!!  He is looking forward to more options in meals. Again, clear & full liquids are better than tube feeds or ice chips which was all he could have over the weekend - but, I can completely understand his desire to eat more. 

Will send an update later tonight. Thanks again for your prayer. And, thanks be to God for his miracles!!   

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

In Other News...job loss...

In other news:
Well, I thought I would add this because I could truly use some prayer support myself. I found out yesterday that I will be losing my job. We were going through a corporate realignment and my position was eliminated. I have a few options:
1-I can look for other positions within the organization.
2-I can take severance (which is truly a very good deal) and seek employment elsewhere. 

I have been at the same organization for 16.5 years and it has been a truly great experience!  In that time, I have had 8 different positions and moved up the corporate ladder fairly quickly. 

I am just praying for God to help me make the right decision. Your additional prayer support for that is greatly appreciated. 

Please know I am truly at peace and hold no ill feelings toward my organization. I have done good work and they have paid me well - it was a great partnership. 

I am wondering if this is another God moment. Is He telling me it's time to move on?  I will share this - with everything going on with Paul, I truly feel at peace in this current situation. Surprisingly, this has had very little effect on my spirit. Watching Paul progress helps me keep everything in perspective. Praising God for that!

Thank you all for your prayers. I will keep you updated on this journey, too!

Paul: 3/3 - Evening Report

Amen. Amen. Amen!

Paul is resting comfortably - and this time I truly mean that!!  He finished dinner, took his evening meds - Benadryl & melatonin, and is now drifting off to a good sleep. Amen!

Lungs - he still has his nasal cannula. They are weaning him off the oxygen support. While he could probably do it on his own, I like the additional reassurance that it is on. 

Kidneys - still need prayers here. His Creatnine was over 9 yesterday and just down to 8+ this morning. Tomorrow morning's labs are important. The hope is that they stay the same or go down as he had some urine output by himself (Hallelujah). Everyone believes his kidneys will bounce back - we just don't know how long that will take. Paul will undergo another 3.5 hour hemodialysis tomorrow with the goal to both clean the blood and to pull off additional fluid. They will not allow anyone else in that room, so please also pray Paul handles that time well. I have been by his side through almost everything since he woke up. We are charging his phone so he will have that with him. Praying for a good experience for him. 

Strength - Paul had PT today and stood up for the first time - Praise God!!  He is more able to move around in his bed which is also great news!  He is ready to walk to the bathroom; however, his legs truly aren't ready for that. While his mind says he can, his body says not yet. 

Spirit - overall, Paul is in pretty good spirits!  He loves reading the posts, texts, etc. While many of them make him a little misty, he truly feels the love, support and prayers you have filled us with throughout this journey.  Thank God for all of you!!

Kids-we were able to FaceTime the kids a few times which is good for everyone. We will see when we can bring the kids up. Maybe tomorrow - depending on dialysis & therapy. Need to get those pictures back up on the walls as I took them down from ICU and haven't replaced them yet :). 

Thank you again for joining us on this journey!  Praising our amazing God for another day of progress. Praying for another good day tomorrow. 

Paul: 3/3 - Morning Report!

Praising God for such a great morning!  

Paul was able to get some restful sleep last night without the need for heavy medicine. They gave him a little melatonin and he slept for a few hours - HALLELUJAH!!

He is awake and in great spirits!  While he still has more to do for recovery, we will tackle it together - one step at a time!

He has started to read some texts and messages - I should not have given him his phone.  While there are still some foggy details, overall, he is back with us!  

Today will be another big day. He ordered breakfast. And, while disappointed he cannot have cereal yet, he can at least have some oatmeal & milk!!

He will have Occupational & Physical Therapy today. They also pulled his labs so we will see how those look. Praying for continued improvement. 

We truly have a loving, amazing, all-powerful God!  He has performed a miracle in waking Paul up and giving him a happy and thankful spirit!  God has special plans for Paul!  I am so very excited to watch those unfold!

More to come later today. Just truly grateful for all of your support & prayers!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Paul: 3/2 - Evening Report

Paul has an exhausting day - all good, just a really big day.  Here is the rundown:
- Catheter Removed
- Feeding Tube Removed
- Able to have "clear liquids" which included two popsicles 
- Hemodialysis - 3.5 hours of a faster dialysis where they pulled off 4 lbs of excess fluid
- Changed room - now out of ICU. 

I am exhausted, and I didn't do all the work. 

The good news is that I have my own chair/bed in his room so I can be near him. Amen to that!

Still need prayers for kidneys, strength & clarity of mind. 

Praise God for all of the positive activity today!  What a way to start a new week!  

Paul: 3/2 - Afternoon Report

Today has been a very busy day for Paul!  

Lungs - he is still on nasal cannula and doing great! N

Kidneys - waiting for dialysis. Creatnine spiked pretty high. He will have the dialysis today so numbers should drop. Key will be Wed morning numbers.

Physical strength - doctor said it will take ~3 days of exercises for every 1 day in the ICU.  He had both PT & OT here today. 

Food - Paul's feeding tube was removed, so he was able to have a Popsicle, some Jello, lemon ice & sprite. Yummo!

All other labs look good or improving!

Sleep - he still needs to catch up on sleep. Hopefully, we will get up to the new room & both get some good sleep tonight. 

Praying for kidneys to start working & sleep!

Will see if we have more news by end of day. Much love & thank you for praying!! 

Paul: 3/2 - Morning Report

Paul is finally resting!  I am almost afraid to write that as I do not want to jinx it. He went nearly 48 hours with very little sleep - 10-15 minute naps here & there. I'm just so glad he is sleeping!

I don't have any of the labs yet. I will add those to a later post. I would assume his Creatnine is up as he has been off dialysis for 1.5 days. So, we will wait & see. 

Today's prayer requests:
- Rest for Paul. He needs it!
- Hemodialysis - praying that clears his body of the residual medicines (sedation/pain). 

And, happy birthday to Paul's mom, Patti.  While I know this isn't how she expected to spend her birthday, seeing Paul wake up and all of his improvements have been an amazing gift!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Paul: 3/1 - Evening Report

Paul is finally resting today. I think he went 36 hours with very little sleep. Thank you all for understanding his need for sleep & quiet today. Praying each day gets better so he can see everyone!!  This has just been very overwhelming for him as he didn't know why he was in the hospital. He thought we were in a car accident. 

Kidneys - we had to turn off dialysis. Another clot :(. Good news is that he is stable enough for regular dialysis - likely to start tomorrow. So, while his Creatnine is up, he is peeing more and more. That should help!

Lungs - he is breathing well without the vent!  Still on nasal canula and doing great!

Platelets - back into the normal range - HALLELUJAH!!

New News:
We will likely leave ICU tomorrow for a regular room. That will help him rest more. And, I will be able to stay with him - AMEN TO THAT!!!  

Paul thanks everyone for your support & prayers. Praying for a restful sleep, for a peaceful mind, for his kidneys to kick in and for his muscles to get back to work. 

Much love to everyone !! 😘❤️🙏

Paul: 3/1 - Morning Report

Paul had a rough night last night. As you can only imagine, he received a lot of information yesterday. And, while we tried to keep it at a high level, it was still a lot to take in. 

And, because we didn't know he would be waking up, he had a lot of visitors yesterday (I just counted 17 and I may have missed a few) which was also very emotional for both sides - Paul and the visitor. 

The nurses have asked to give him a few hours of no visitors, and to limit visitors today to only a few to allow him time to rest. 

Please know - God gave Paul back to us. We will have him for a long time.  I know we all want to see him and hold him and love on him - me included. However, we need to do what's best for him right now. 

Please know that everyone is welcome to come to the hospital. We are in the waiting room and truly appreciate the company. Please also know that might mean not seeing Paul. At least not today. We will see what tomorrow brings. 

Thank you for understanding!